Unban Request - I've got myself in a knot
Your name: [FL:RP] Mystery

Your ban ID: 58981

Banned by: Console

Reason: Double Accounting to avoid ban

Involved: Lan Party Members - manccoman11 and MasterLoot

Why we should unban you: I was permanent banned from FearlessRP for having a lan party of 3 people including me. After wondering what to do they suggested "DarkRP" and as they had never heard of FearlessRP I showed them what fearless was about explaining to them it's far better than DarkRP. When they went on and while I was showing them what to do and pointing on their screens, showing them what to do, After playing for a while we went out of get dinner. Then when the LAN party was over my friend "Little Big Horn" called me on Skype telling me "You have been perma banned, WTF?" I knew this may occur as previous situations has popped up. I had 20 days on my ban left to this day so please ban me for my remaining 20 days. I hope I can get this cleaned up as I was shocked after I was told. Thanks for Understanding. if you need ANY information regarding this ban feel free to hit me up, Thanks again!

P.S I spoke to burnett about my situation and he said "Alright then it shouldnt be a big problem. Post an UBR and it should be ok"

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - I've got myself in a knot - by AmazE ツ - 02-20-2015, 11:49 PM

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