[Upcoming Event] Fallout Roleplay!

Welcome to the Fallout Roleplay Thread! Please listen to the music found below, and read the entirety of this post and the post below. Please make sure you understand the lore of the roleplay, which can be briefly found in the OOC post below this one. Or you could get the full experience by playing through the game, preferably Fallout: New Vegas. Another option is to check out the Fallout: New Vegas wiki, found here: Fallout: New Vegas Wiki Page. Thank you!


***The year is 2281, the world has been plagued by nuclear war and destruction. The world that we used to know has dissolved into a wasteland complete with death and radiation. The grand cities where men and women lived in harmony have deteriorated into something never expected. The beautiful countrysides that we once knew have been wiped away. The great architecture that we have developed has been obliterated, just like our history. No one will ever know what we did in the past, they will only know what we've become, a ravaged civilization never to become what it once was. A desolate wasteland, where radioactivity lives, and will never go away. A tomb that will engulf all humanity, unless someone takes a stand...

As of now, the skies are bland, contaminated with radioactive elements, while the water retains its impurities and remains inept of consumption. Mutants wander the barren lands, as survivors attempt to live their hazardous lives and rebuild their long, lost civilizations. You hear stories of your region prior to the Great War, where it was tranquil and prosperous. But this has changed. Fortunately enough, you were born in a vault: a secure fallout shelter built in the late 2060's by Vault-Tec Industries in order to protect humanity from a nuclear war. You are protected by this vault, stuffed away under the surface where radiation presides and mutants stroll. Your vault was labelled as Vault 16, one of the first vaults built to combat this unforgiving work of mankind. It has been opened many times, either to let survivors in, or cast crooks out. This has proven to be ineffective and dangerous, due to the constant harassment of vault dwellers by radroaches, a cockroach mutated by the radioactivity that scavenged life from the nearby lands. Problems arise due to the infestations, and disputes occur.

More problems occur when the radio communications begin to deteriorate and fade into transmissions from the surface. Some transmissions remain passive, while others are very hostile. Survivors are heard to be tormented by a man named Caesar, a ruthless marauder. Other transmissions come from military outposts of the New California Republic, or the NCR, regarding tactics against aggressive mutants, and bandits. These prove useful, as many vault dwellers now know how to protect themselves. Slowly but surely, the positive reinforcement of the NCR transmissions dissolve and are instead occupied with threats by Caesar and his followers, not to mention all the bandits. Due to this, the vault dwellers begin to panic, but are interrupted by the Overseer, the manager of the vault. 

The Overseer is respected by most, but is also believed to be corrupted by some. These dwellers believe that there must be reforms to keep the peace inside the vault. On the other hand, the supporters of the Overseer believe he does his job well, and refer to him as the savior of all. The Overseer's name is Todd Moriarty, the long lost brother of Colin Moriarty, a well known saloon manager in the east. It is time for an appropriate adjustment inside the vault, and this is where you come in. Your job is to keep yourself safe inside the vault, or venture out into the wasteland to try and make a living. This is where your story begins, O' Lone Wanderer...***

-Server 7-

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>Power On.

Welcome User, TS16V.
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© 2076 RobCo.



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-RobCo Trespasser Management System-
RobcOS v.85.
© 2076 RobCo.
|User Log:
| >> Administrator (RobCoID 2347-P)
| >> New Admin: Todd.
| >> Welcome New User, Todd.
| >>>Todd_userGroup.





Message from the Overseer.
Quote:To: Marjorie Helmann.
From: Todd Moriarty, Overseer of Vault 16.
Subject: Your failure to Comply with the System.

Dear Marjorie,
 It seems that you've been a troublesome inhabitant of my vault. Due to your recent breach of authority, you will be cast out of the vault. This is for the best, and you've shown you cannot comply with vault regulations. After being discharged from the vault, all of your possessions will be distributed to the vault administration. It is truly sad that this had to happen, especially with this result. You have four days to clean your dormitory and leave, or you will be forced to. 

Thank you for your cooperation,
 Todd Moriarty, Overseer of Vault 16.






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Current Roles for Vault Citizens:

Vault Revolutionary:
A citizen who has dedicated themselves to "revolution" inside the vault.

Vault Radical:
A vault citizen who is the natural leader of the revolutionaries. He doesn't take no for an answer.

Vault Dweller:
An average citizen of Vault 16.

Vault Technician:
A vault citizen who specializes in technical items and objects.

Vault Engineer:
A vault citizen who specializes in engineering, most likely with the vault door itself.

Vault Fry Cook:
A vault citizen who is employed to cook food for the vault dwellers.

Vault Programmer:
A vault citizen who specializes in programming Pip-Boy 3000's.

Vault Physician:
A vault citizen who specializes in medical sciences.

Vault Instructor:
A vault citizen in charge of educating the young ones, and maybe, the older ones too.

Vault Chaplain:
A vault citizen who exercises his faith and teaches others about it.

Vault Security Guard:
A vault citizen appointed as a guard to keep the peace inside the vault.

Vault Shift Supervisor:
A vault citizen appointed to keep shifts in order for the security guards.

Vault Loyalty Inspector:
A vault citizen appointed to check on the loyalty of others towards the vault and its Overseer.

Vault Overseer:
The leader of the vault, and the savior of its dwellers...

OOC: The wasteland roles are located in the post below.





Welcome to Vault 16's General Occupational Aptitude Test, or G.O.A.T.

You will be given ten questions, and you are to answer them to the best of your ability. Please contact Mr. Lyle if you have any questions. Good luck!

Question One:

Spoiler :
You are approached by a frenzied Vault scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?

  A: "But doctor, wouldn't that cause a parabolic destabilization of the fission singularity?"

  B: "Yeah? Up yours too, buddy!"

  C: Say nothing, grab a nearby pipe and hit the scientist in the head to knock him out. For all you knew, he was planning to blow up the vault. 

  D: Say nothing, but slip away before the scientist can continue his rant.

Question Two:

Spoiler :
While working as an intern in the Clinic, a patient with a strange infection on his foot stumbles through the door. The infection is spreading at an alarming rate, but the doctor has stepped out for a while. What do you do?

  A: Amputate the foot before the infection spreads.

  B: Scream for help.

  C: Medicate the infected area to the best of your abilities.

  D: Restrain the patient, and merely observe as the infection spreads.

Question Three:

Spoiler :
You discover a young boy lost in the lower levels of the Vault. He's hungry and frightened, but also appears to be in possession of stolen property. What do you do?

  A: Give the boy a hug and tell him everything will be okay.

  B: Confiscate the property by force, and leave him there as punishment.

  C: Pick the boy's pocket to take the stolen property for yourself, and leave the boy to his fate.

  D: Lead the boy to safety, then turn him over to the overseer.

Question Four:

Spoiler :
Congratulations! You made one of the Vault 16 baseball teams! Which position do you prefer?

  A: Pitcher.

  B: Catcher.

  C: Designated Hitter.

  D: None, you wish the vault had a soccer team.

Question Five:

Spoiler :
Your grandmother invites you to tea, but you're surprised when she gives you a pistol and orders you to kill another Vault resident. What do you do?

  A: Obey your elder and kill the Vault resident with the pistol.

  B: Offer your most prized possession for the resident's life.

  C: Ask granny for a minigun instead. After all, you don't want to miss.

  D: Throw your tea in granny's face.

Question Six:

Spoiler :
Old Mr. Barnaby has locked himself in his quarters again, and you've been ordered to get him out. How do you proceed?

  A: Use a bobby pin to pick the lock on the door.

  B: Trade a Vault hoodlum for his cherry bomb and blow open the lock.

  C: Go to the armory, retrieve a laser pistol, and blow the lock off.

  D: Walk away, and let the old coot rot.

Question Seven:

Spoiler :
Oh, no! You've been exposed to radiation, and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach! What's the best course of treatment?

  A: A bullet to the brain.

  B: Large doses of anti-mutagen agent.

  C: Prayer. Maybe God will spare you in exchange for a life of pious devotion.

  D: Removal of the mutated tissue with a precision laser.

Question Eight:

Spoiler :
A fellow Vault 16 resident is in possession of a Grognak the Barbarian comic book, issue number 1. You want it. What's the best way to obtain it?

  A: Trade the comic book for one of your own valuable possessions.

  B: Steal the comic book at gunpoint.

  C: Sneak into the resident's quarters, and steal the comic book from his desk.

  D: Slip some knock out drops into the resident's Nuka-Cola, and take the comic book when he's unconscious.

Question Nine:

Spoiler :
You decide it would be fun to play a prank on your father. You enter his private restroom when no one is looking, and....

  A: Loosen some bolts on some pipes. When the sink is turned on, the room will flood.

  B: Put a firecracker in the toilet. That's sure to cause some chaos.

  C: Break into the locked medicine cabinet and replace his high blood pressure medication with sugar pills.

  D: Manipulate the power wattage on his razor, so he'll get an electric shock next time he shaves.

Question Ten:

Spoiler :
Who is indisputably the most important person in Vault 16: He who shelters us from the harshness of the atomic wasteland, and to whom we owe everything we have, including our lives?

  A: The Overseer.

  B: The Overseer.

  C: The Overseer.

  D: Your father.






User Todd has logged off the system.
[Image: J1zObHm.gif]

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RE: [Event] Fallout Roleplay! - by Falcon - 01-17-2015, 08:14 AM
RE: [Upcoming Event] Fallout Roleplay! - by Wood - 01-17-2015, 09:20 AM
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RE: [Upcoming Event] Fallout Roleplay! - by Smex - 05-06-2015, 08:38 PM

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