Permanent Bans and the Fearless Staff
Quote:Thursday, February 07, 2013
4:28 AM - [FL] Killjoy: joey, you wouldnt be using an alt account to go on FL, would ya?
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: I've got like six which I've got for testing purposes
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: Why whats up
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: Strange thing really though
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'd figure Salinsky would of put out the note of my existence
4:30 AM - Joey Skylynx: Like the 1st time he banned me he noted my voice cause I told him he was a vagina straight to his face
4:30 AM - Joey Skylynx: And even he was like 'your joey skylynx'
4:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: how cute lol
4:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: youre rather cheeky at times, you know tat?
4:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: that*
4:31 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'm a bastard what can I say
4:31 AM - Joey Skylynx: By the way, let Temar know the IP system has been borgia'd for some time
4:32 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah we know about it
4:32 AM - Joey Skylynx: but yeah
4:32 AM - Joey Skylynx: So who set off the alarm that my existence might be there lol
4:33 AM - [FL] Killjoy: an individual claimed he recognized you, so here we are
4:34 AM - Joey Skylynx: Huh strange.
4:34 AM - Joey Skylynx: The only time I used my mic was to tell Salinsky he was a vagina
4:34 AM - Joey Skylynx: lol
4:34 AM - Joey Skylynx: Might be my attitude
4:34 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah youve got a few key notes to that
4:35 AM - Joey Skylynx: But yeah
4:35 AM - Joey Skylynx: I've been keeping business for myself
4:35 AM - Joey Skylynx: Mainly getting stats on contrafarmers and all that
4:36 AM - [FL] Killjoy: mind me asking why?
4:36 AM - Joey Skylynx: Well as you can guess
4:36 AM - Joey Skylynx: Heavily political, and I needed statistics on contrafarmers
4:36 AM - Joey Skylynx: I've been working on a book for the past few months about some theories I got regarding GModRP
4:36 AM - Joey Skylynx: Happily titled 'Doomforts'
4:37 AM - [FL] Killjoy: oh, id live to get more on that
4:37 AM - Joey Skylynx:
4:37 AM - Joey Skylynx: Not sure if your able to see it lol
4:38 AM - [FL] Killjoy: i did
4:38 AM - Joey Skylynx: Haven't had time to work on it with GoogleDocs so it mainly sits on my computer
4:38 AM - [FL] Killjoy: do keep me posted on that, i love research as such
4:38 AM - Joey Skylynx: Will do
4:38 AM - Joey Skylynx: By the way
4:38 AM - Joey Skylynx: Do you have numbers by chance on how many people are banned for RDM or Doomforting?
4:38 AM - [FL] Killjoy: whoa fuck, thats a lot to ask
4:39 AM - Joey Skylynx: Lol
4:39 AM - Joey Skylynx: It helps with dem researchs
4:39 AM - [FL] Killjoy: id say a solid 70% of violations are to aggression
4:39 AM - Joey Skylynx: Hm.
4:39 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'm mainly asking in regards to some things
4:40 AM - Joey Skylynx: I've mentioned Tiger Force before correct?
4:40 AM - [FL] Killjoy: i dont think so
4:40 AM - Joey Skylynx: wow shit.
4:40 AM - Joey Skylynx: Where do we start.
4:40 AM - Joey Skylynx: Tiger Force was created after the Fish Market Crash as a military arm for Kumonryu Trading Guild
4:40 AM - [FL] Killjoy: lets not start from the dawn of time and god creating the world in 7 days or smt
4:41 AM - Joey Skylynx: lolol
4:41 AM - Joey Skylynx: Well it mainly was a Black-Ops group involved in dealing with contrafarmers and all that
4:41 AM - Joey Skylynx: On two occasions I've watched friends of mine get loopholed by the rules and given 'Stut Torture' also known as DDoS attacks inside of doomfort compounds
4:42 AM - Joey Skylynx: Never got the names sadly of the guys involved
4:42 AM - Joey Skylynx: For the most part though
4:42 AM - Joey Skylynx: I believe some mass-confusion has been going up regarding some DEA Operations from other groups and KTF
4:43 AM - Joey Skylynx: I remember you asking me about the whole 'you know what makes people tick' and that would be the truth, I do.
4:43 AM - Joey Skylynx: I use to use riots to cover up attacks on contrafarms/doomforts
4:43 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah, you might have figured i do have a certain appreciation towards yourself
4:44 AM - Joey Skylynx: Appreciation
4:44 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'm confused
4:44 AM - [FL] Killjoy: right, lets compare you to FG for a moment
4:44 AM - [FL] Killjoy: (forceghost)
4:44 AM - Joey Skylynx: oh god
4:45 AM - [FL] Killjoy: you both pose a significent hostility to our operational standards
4:45 AM - [FL] Killjoy: however, unlike FG youre intelligent and reasonable
4:47 AM - Joey Skylynx: Try telling Holdem or Black that
4:47 AM - Joey Skylynx: They would laugh
4:47 AM - [FL] Killjoy: thats their loss
4:48 AM - Joey Skylynx: Not really.
4:48 AM - [FL] Killjoy: never underestimate those against you, youll just end up sacked and beaten
4:48 AM - Joey Skylynx: Well I wasn't truely against FUMUKU or Holdem's posse
4:49 AM - Joey Skylynx: Like if someone bite me on the ass
4:49 AM - Joey Skylynx: I would give them a run for their money
4:49 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'm partially responsiable for blackmailing Generation and Umbrella Corp
4:50 AM - Joey Skylynx: And before the SAA-FUMUKU war kicked off
4:50 AM - Joey Skylynx: I decided on my own grounds to arm 20 Minges with AK-47s and Ammo
4:50 AM - Joey Skylynx: Something Black and Grub have never let me live down
4:50 AM - Joey Skylynx: lol
4:52 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah, i just wished you kept your strategies within acceptable boundaries
4:52 AM - [FL] Killjoy: id love having you around as an RP-wise opponent really
4:52 AM - Joey Skylynx: Rommel and Patton yo
4:53 AM - Joey Skylynx: That could also be related to old standing grounds though
4:53 AM - Joey Skylynx: I was a foot troop for Yakuza back in the day
4:53 AM - Joey Skylynx: Hence why Kyoshiro Todosh and I are bros
4:55 AM - Joey Skylynx: But yeah
4:56 AM - Joey Skylynx: Most of the strategies I used were based around simply using the most inexpensive attacks. Crowbars for example. Before they were nerfed they were the most inexpensive charging weapon to give to a horde of mingebags
4:57 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah youve always been cut out for the militia crap
4:57 AM - Joey Skylynx: Czech Rebels for life Cheese
4:57 AM - [FL] Killjoy: guerilla warfare and militias can be incredibly effective if played right
4:58 AM - Joey Skylynx: Not sure if you remember the incident
4:58 AM - Joey Skylynx: But when Spud and I got banned for RDM
4:58 AM - Joey Skylynx: We had Coffee up in the treeline with a sniper picking you guys off while we were running at you with FAMAS
4:58 AM - Joey Skylynx: Basically throwing you into the open so he could pick you guys off
4:58 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah i vaguely remember it
4:58 AM - Joey Skylynx: it was awesome
5:00 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah, we shot down a clan with semperfi too using guerilla tactics
5:00 AM - Joey Skylynx: Which one was that?
5:00 AM - [FL] Killjoy: lemme find our old thread
5:01 AM - [FL] Killjoy: Privateer War (26.09.11-27.09.11) - SemperFi and The Lost Horde force Esoteric PMC to surrender
5:01 AM - [FL] Killjoy: should be that one
5:01 AM - Joey Skylynx: Oh god Eosteric
5:02 AM - Joey Skylynx: IIRC
5:02 AM - Joey Skylynx: That was Suave Assasins reborn correct?
5:02 AM - [FL] Killjoy: hense the name Privateer
5:03 AM - [FL] Killjoy: our war against freelancers had quite a lot of blackops going on
5:04 AM - Joey Skylynx: Heh
5:04 AM - [FL] Killjoy: god i miss the golden times of that clan
5:04 AM - Joey Skylynx: BlackOps as in morally questionable
5:04 AM - Joey Skylynx: or?
5:05 AM - [FL] Killjoy: somewhat
5:05 AM - Joey Skylynx: I miss SemperFi being around because it gave the Czech Rebels smaller 'supporter' groups fighting me lol
5:05 AM - Joey Skylynx: I think Kyoshiro mentioned you guys use to attack Passive RP zones owned by Yakuza
5:05 AM - Joey Skylynx: But it was done really oddly or something like that
5:05 AM - [FL] Killjoy: hostaging a president to have cops raid their areas
5:06 AM - [FL] Killjoy: get hostile operations shut down by manipulating the government or smaller clans
5:06 AM - Joey Skylynx: Oh my god.
5:06 AM - Joey Skylynx: Is that what Suave Assains was trying to do that day to us
5:07 AM - Joey Skylynx: They firebombed one of our tents in the forest, and got tranqed by us and tried calling in the Police on us
5:07 AM - [FL] Killjoy: not sure really, we didnt train our cannon fodder
5:07 AM - [FL] Killjoy: we just armed them up and had them follow orders when a semperfi operative was online, running sanctioned ops
5:07 AM - Joey Skylynx: Ohhh
5:08 AM - Joey Skylynx: So kinda insurgent cell like
5:08 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah
5:08 AM - Joey Skylynx: Nice
5:08 AM - Joey Skylynx: Did similar with KTF
5:08 AM - [FL] Killjoy: you cant go training those guys, they might turn on you
5:08 AM - Joey Skylynx: Yeah just give them inexpensive dakkah, and tell them what to kill
5:08 AM - Joey Skylynx: Like as of the moment I run recruitment drives for Czech Loyalist
5:09 AM - Joey Skylynx: Mainly peeps I keep around with memories of the the Czechnyen Regimes on V2D that use to install Forest Gump Forced Labor camps
5:09 AM - Joey Skylynx: Good times
5:10 AM - [FL] Killjoy: also a fun thing was dumping contra in someones base when they were out
5:11 AM - [FL] Killjoy: keep it nice and visible, but just behind the wall so the cops would certanly need to go in for more exploration
5:11 AM - [FL] Killjoy: after all warrants and shit had cleared, just bribe the cop to piss off and take it from there
5:13 AM - Joey Skylynx: I never get one thing though, why not start SemperFi back up
5:13 AM - [FL] Killjoy: cant
5:13 AM - Joey Skylynx: Alright I'm interested, why not
5:13 AM - [FL] Killjoy: ive only got like 3-4 guys to recruit there
5:14 AM - [FL] Killjoy: and no time on my hands to start up RP operations
5:14 AM - Joey Skylynx: Well for the first thing you could start be reuniting certain groups
5:14 AM - Joey Skylynx: Plenty of dumb kids looking for easy money now-a-days.
5:15 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah, its easy to get the grunts
5:15 AM - [FL] Killjoy: but semperfi was more of an officers club than an infantry brigade
5:16 AM - Joey Skylynx: Infantry Brigade was the supporter groups
5:17 AM - Joey Skylynx: Czech Rebels was odd/ran loosley
5:18 AM - Joey Skylynx: We ran it so any of the members ran their own small insurgent cells and recruited their own members
5:18 AM - Joey Skylynx: When the ban system broke for that one day I jumped on and suprised Alexia, and showed how easy it was recruiting people
5:18 AM - Joey Skylynx: I sat near the lake, and was talking to them about my political ideas and all that
5:18 AM - Joey Skylynx: And told them that we need to cleanse the server of minges
5:18 AM - Joey Skylynx: Starting with the government
5:19 AM - Joey Skylynx: Next thing I know the guy is in a tides truck with three people
5:19 AM - [FL] Killjoy: its a lot easier for me
5:19 AM - Joey Skylynx: Doing a driveby of Fultzy and Infernaw
5:19 AM - Joey Skylynx: what do you do
5:19 AM - [FL] Killjoy: "HI KILLJOY" - you wanna do some RP? - "OK"
5:19 AM - Joey Skylynx: Admin Powers are cheating >Sad
5:19 AM - Joey Skylynx: lol
5:20 AM - [FL] Killjoy: back then i was a bit more notorious, as i spent a lot more time on the servers themselves
5:21 AM - Joey Skylynx: I can tell
5:21 AM - Joey Skylynx: What stops you from going on them now, and taking command of the cowards and their metal bawkes
5:28 AM - [FL] Killjoy is now Online.
5:28 AM - [FL] Killjoy: lack of free time
5:28 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'll be that way soon aswell Sad
5:29 AM - [FL] Killjoy: i spend most of my free time with the 'desk job'
5:29 AM - [FL] Killjoy: that being SA tasks
5:29 AM - [FL] Killjoy: keeping things running is more important than personal entertainment
5:30 AM - Joey Skylynx: Well I mean if your into that type of stuff like whipping admins for being naughty
5:30 AM - Joey Skylynx: I guess it could be personal entertainment
5:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: disciplinary actions arent fun
5:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: i much more enjoy cooking up ideas on improving and developing the community
5:31 AM - Joey Skylynx: Well one way to start would be more passive economies
5:31 AM - Joey Skylynx: or making firearms a pain in the ass to produce
5:32 AM - Joey Skylynx: also
5:32 AM - Joey Skylynx:
5:42 AM - [FL] Killjoy is now Away.
5:43 AM - [FL] Killjoy: anyways my lecture is finished, im off
5:43 AM - [FL] Killjoy is now Online.
5:43 AM - Joey Skylynx: cya
5:43 AM - [FL] Killjoy: take care now, lemme know when youre research is done
5:43 AM - Joey Skylynx: Will do
5:44 AM - [FL] Killjoy is now Offline.
need i say more
[Image: EglEnZU.gif]

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RE: Permanent Bans and the Fearless Staff - by Joey Skylynx - 12-10-2014, 01:24 AM

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