Ban Request on [FL:RP] Sgt.Mily #Sick
I don't see where you two's comments are going cause some of them don't make sense. But I am going to try to explain things differently.

1 - You broke General Rule 10 : If you see someone breaking the rules, try to warn them or contact an admin. Do not take the situation into your own hands. Backseat administration is when a player (None staff) takes a situation into his own hands and punishes another player for breaking a rule or anything like that, which is what you have done.. Even if it was an 'Accident' you intended to kill him, considering the fact that you said the following things in the OOC chat.

[Image: F1uTwej.jpg]

[Image: qExTSCl.jpg]

[Image: SsMOaw7.jpg]

2 - Originally you did not even have a valid RP reason to kill the president at that time, you can not kill him for FailRP which if you do, will count as backseat administration.. So really it doesn't matter that you ran him over 'Accidentally' or that you were going to kill him in the office it still counts as Backseat Administration if you are killing him because he wasn't role playing properly. "that's fail pres didn't making her job. gonna do something with that" ~SGT.Milly's Message in OOC chat.

3 - I only showed the picture of me telling you about teaching him instead of killing to show that you were warned before you did what you did, my intentions were not to impress the admins.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request on [FL:RP] Sgt.Mily #Sick - by Nyander - 11-11-2014, 11:42 AM

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