Ban Request on lolipop and snafs
Hi, I'm lolipop from your screenshots.
Both images from (my screenshot gallery).

We - Snafs, Gerkin and I - did not rob your bank actually. Snafs came in and told me he had found a stack of weapons in your vault, which I don't know why you left unlocked, exposed. You didn't even lock your office door, and you came in right after we were in there. So then, you thought that the situation was a stick-up. We told you, according to the screenshots, that we didn't rob you, but you said "my screenshots show different", which implies your screenshots tell a different story, and that is why I am writing my defense here. Your making a ban request against us for something we did not do. I think that is completely unfair and unjust. Then in OOC you said we came in with guns, just so that you could say that in front of an OOC audience, to completely twist the story. I hope you don't get away with that because you're coning your words and the story behind those screenshots. I want an admin to look into this because we never came in with weapons. Your door to the bank reception was open. Snafs came in, called me and Gerkin in. Your vault was unlocked in which on the corner, we found a stack of guns, for which I was puzzled seeing that bankers store money and now guns.

Thanks for reading.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on lolipop and snafs - by Mustang - 11-09-2014, 01:02 AM
RE: Ban Request on lolipop and snafs - by Bender - 11-09-2014, 07:12 PM
RE: Ban Request on lolipop and snafs - by Mustang - 11-09-2014, 10:47 PM
RE: Ban Request on lolipop and snafs - by Bender - 11-09-2014, 11:30 PM

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