[FL:RP] Brapierwit2's unban request, I feel ban was faulty.
Your name: [FL:RP] Brapierwit2

Your ban ID: 51665

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: FearRP. 13th ban. LAST CHANCE.

Involved: [FL] Shadow, and someone else (been a long time) 

Why we should unban you: Hello FEARLESS, I decided I feel that my ban was unfare and to get a unban request. I don't know how well you can see this writing but I hope you can read it. So during a day of being a regular citizen in Fearless, I was inside my car, and SHADOW and his SWAT friend was in a car on the other side talking, the light turned green so I decided to go, with a bit of a traffic jam up ahead. I stopped mid-road and may or may not have accidently bumped the car in front of me, in which I heard Shadow say "Lets get him" They step out of the car, walk to my car and start yelling at me to get out of the car. I proceed out of the car, locking it, in which they imeadiately start trying to handcuff me. I ask why are you handcuffing me what did I do wrong, and they keep saying "Stay still" The swat had his gun pointed to the ground, in a holster position, and Shadow had the cuff's out. So I ran away to the gas station, with them yelling stop untill Shadow eventualy tazes me and I fall, in which he successfuly handcuff's me and says "Your going to jail bud" and I'm like ok GG you got me, after about 20 seconds while Shadow's trying to get me arrested Enzyme picks me up, brings me to a roof, and starts saying "Brap, why did you just Failrp?" I said what? I diddnt in which he says "You failrp'd, the swats gun was out and you ran away from them which is Failrp." I said can we talk it over I diddnt see I was trying to run, then I say hello? Then 5 seconds later I am banned with the message you have been banned.

See what I'm trying to point out here, is the Swat's gun was pointed to the ground in which wasnt pointed at me, so I don't think I was failrping, and when I ran you cant shoot while your running, but Shadow had his tazor out but wasnt near me untill I ran outa sprint. 

Also, this ban I feel is faulty because, if this really was Failrp, would'nt shadow have picked me up and talked to me before Enzyme could've? If this was FAILRP and sence Shadow is a admin, he would've done something, but instead he did nothing and proceeded with RP with me, untill Enzyme picked me up and hes just like "Oh, what?". Am I correct though that Shadow would've done something if I acually did something wrong, otherwise sence I did nothing he just proceeded to put me in jail?

I ask both Enzyme and Shadow to come into this topic sence they are both involved but Idk about the swat as this was at least a month or 2 ago.

Thank you for reading, also, any admin may come in to talk to me but prefer Enzme and shadow.
[Image: Brapierwit2%20Alt%20Signature.png]
Always do what you are afraid to do -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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[FL:RP] Brapierwit2's unban request, I feel ban was faulty. - by brapierwit2 - 10-29-2014, 09:53 PM

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