[Rule] "Classified/unknown" jobnames.
(10-13-2014, 03:27 PM)Baskingner Wrote: *Bump*

Thanks for all the +supports.
As for the actual arguments, Personally i feel that i have yet to hear a valid reason against this suggestion. Metagaming doesnt warrant people to hide their job in my opinion.

You can certainly think it doesn't, and that is simply the problem we have to consider.

Regardless of whether or not someone looks at people's job titles to use them to metagame directly, the information is going to be in your subconscious (of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one's actions and feelings).

Take for example a person with a custom job title. Let's say this is what people are going to see in the scoreboard.
  • [EvoCity ChopShop - Mechanic] [ FL: RP ] Nevy
Having the title of ChopShop Mechanic is going to bring in a few problems that we can either face in a direct form or indirect form of metagaming. Let me play out some scenarios of both.

  1. Direct Metagaming
  • Through direct metagaming we can expect to be warranted from the scoreboard. A simple glance could influence an officer with new hours, or even a more experienced one, to simply issue a warrant for a search/arrest. This is against the rules and should be expected to be mediated by an admin (If one is available).
  • We could expect to see police make their intentions obvious and they would intentionally go out to find the property owned being used in the ChopShop RP and get a search warrant to enter.
  1. Indirect Metagaming
  • Through indirect metagaming, it would not be as obvious but it could certainly still have an effect on the role-play. 
  • For example, a cop looking in the scoreboard might see the ChopShop Mechanic job title and have that in the back of his mind. No matter what, he is going to know that somewhere on the map there is a ChopShop RP going on. He might decide to go out and "Patrol" with this information and act like he is not breaking any rule. He certainly is not, simply because there is no way to tell and there is no standing rule that can prevent this.

To add one more example for the sake of making a point, let me show an example of a group of players with the same job titles and how this could effect a situation.
  • [The Sinaloa Drug Cartel - Leader] [FL:RP] BreakYourKneeCaps
  • [The Sinaloa Drug Cartel - Member] Johnny
  • [The Sinaloa Drug Cartel - The Muscle] DoYouEvenLift
  • [The Sinaloa Drug Cartel - The Henchman] [FL:RP] Ghost
  • [Corleone Member] [FL:RP] NewPlayer
Now let me examine the effects of indirect and direct metagaming once again.
  • Direct Metagaming
  1. One would expect all the users to be warranted in a case where one of the "Sinaloa Drug Cartel" members was involved in some form of crime (Or maybe none at all!)
  • Indirect Metagaming
  1. If one of the members was involved in something illegal, we could expect the police to be on the lookout for any other members in the group. They could simply reference the scoreboard to know just who they should be on the lookout for. 
  2. Now let's say a person who was not a cop was using this scoreboard information. Perhaps they are looking to raid the establishment owned by this "Sinaloa Drug Cartel." They could simply look in the scoreboard and establish just how many members they have, which could be helpful in the raid.

Now I know you may think there are no negative effects to having custom job titles in general, but my belief stands and so does my -Support.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Rule] "Classified/unknown" jobnames. - by Nevy - 10-14-2014, 01:42 PM

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