Unban For Oye!
Take a look at the video again.
He walked up with the Tazer already out. According to rule 13, ("Follow FearRP. You can't attack a person who has a gun (or tazer) pointed at you, while you are unarmed, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun") you had broke FearRP. IRL, if they felt you where an immediate threat, they would taze through the window, or use some kind of disabling equipment. Seeing as you where in a SRU car, dressed as a citizen, you would be seen as a threat. They would open the door, and throw you in the ground, use what ever force they would see necessary to detain you. This isn't possible, that is why rules are in place. If a SWAT officer walked up to my car, and even stopped, I would be shitting myself, as he is a SWAT officer, not a regular officer, but a SWAT officer. Something would had to be seriously wrong for a SWAT member to approach my car with a tazer in hand.

He said "woah woah woah" with the tazer pointed at you at around 8-9 seconds in the video. That would be him signaling you to stop.
As for the SRU, his name was [FL:RP] Fire, and I would assume he was called out as backup, seeing as you, along with others had been running around the city with weapons, firing at cops that apposed them.

Messages In This Thread
Unban For Oye! - by Blunt Grunt - 10-08-2014, 11:54 PM
RE: Unban For Oye! - by SirCrow - 10-09-2014, 12:49 AM
RE: Unban For Oye! - by Blunt Grunt - 10-11-2014, 03:50 AM
RE: Unban For Oye! - by Georgy - 10-11-2014, 03:50 AM
RE: Unban For Oye! - by Blunt Grunt - 10-11-2014, 03:56 AM
RE: Unban For Oye! - by SirCrow - 10-20-2014, 08:25 PM
RE: Unban For Oye! - by DoomDude1 - 11-23-2014, 01:53 AM

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