Triple/Quad Ban Request.
Player name: Expert

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:1:20698233

Time in GMT: 9:45 - 10:00 PM

Summary: Expert was public building and blocking off the gas station.



Player name: Spanvro

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:1:13013020

Time in GMT: Unknown Sorry (It was a few days ago I just found my pictures of it)

Summary: He was prop blocking the road with an invisible prop with a fading door on it, letting people though when he saw it on his invisible camera. (No proof of the camera but whenever I drove up It was closed for a second then opened untill I drove though and he wasnt nearby)



Player name: °Rassee°

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:0:18326531

Time in GMT: 9:50 - 10:00 PM August 11

Summary: Rasse made a seat and had some rebel (I believe it was SquareCube) (See the Other Ban Req..) Get in the seat and pushed him to the top of the map The rebel then got out and was stuck inside the top of the map.



Player name: [ERNA]Todcat3

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:0:24857790

Time in GMT: Unknown sorry. (Best I can tell you, A couple of days ago 1-3)

Summary: Todcat had a illeagle base with a no-colided prop (No-colided with everything) that you walk on and fall/die. Next to it an invisible prop that you HAVE to walk on to even get in his base.. Also his base was floating/Not supported. (See the video For a explanation)


(To see the demo put it in your username/garrysmod/garrysmod folder, open garrysmod and type "playdemo badfloatingbase") (The demo may have gliched and you would need to press Esc/Console to see it Sorry, the gamemode says it's broken with demo's)

Messages In This Thread
Triple/Quad Ban Request. - by Mr.Rogers - 08-12-2011, 12:25 AM
RE: Triple/Quad Ban Request. - by killahdog - 08-12-2011, 10:35 PM
RE: Triple/Quad Ban Request. - by Mr.Rogers - 08-12-2011, 11:08 PM

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