Ban Request on [FL:RP] Lionel Richtea
I was here at the time, We asked around to see if anyone invited you in, No one said anything, You then have a deagle, We then make you holster/not show it, So then we rope you, As you was a threat to the President, We was protecting.
We are a Security company/clan we do not have cuff's so we use ropes, You was a threat, So we roped you and then soon released you after we escorted you off the property, As for the RDM, I did not see, Lionel will reply soon.

EDIT: I then later come out, Because of the gun shots, and see he's dead, and then I take the deagle, As Lionel didn't pick it up.

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RE: Ban Request on [FL:RP] Lionel Richtea - by PaulB - 09-04-2014, 05:47 PM

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