Ban Request on [FL:RP] Tyler & jakey9lives
Why isn't jakey banned yet I bought a gun from a GD just now he walks up to me and sprays me down with a deagle. HE'S A FREAKING CITIZEN.

He has no just left and rejoined to avoid arrest.

He had a score of 30 something in the matter of about 20 minutes. There is no way he can get 30 kills in about 20 minutes without RDMing.

He then RDM'd a gun dealer as a BMD "his reason is because his job was terrorist":

He also broke fear RP by pulling a gun out on cops when they had guns out:

He also left to avoid arrest but I didn't see it I only saw him leave and join again.

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RE: Ban Request on [FL:RP] Tyler & jakey9lives - by acialwip - 09-02-2014, 01:59 PM

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