Exit_Recoil's moment of truth
Your name: (Steam friends name)
Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)
Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag)
Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?)
Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.)
Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)
I can't prove that I wasn't hacking, but I can give you my word that I wasn't trying to harm your server in any way, and I'm not sure what completely happened. I know what is going to be said in this paragraph is probably a common message you read, but I really miss fearless. In the past three months my friend Rule 34 and I have been trying to get more common with the whole sense of "RPing". Within the last three months I joined a new community, and I have learned a lot more about Roleplaying and Garry’s Mod itself, I know how to roleplay better, and now I realize what a minge I was before. I know now that to play on a Semi-Serious server that It takes more experience than just playing on a few TTT servers. Since I have been banned permanently I have been waiting the days to post my final unban request, I have a feeling that this probably won’t be accepted but I wanted to give this a shot to play on my first and favorite Garry’s Mod community. I wanted to inform you that if you accept this application I believe that this should be my LAST chance, and I will not make another unban request if I get banned for another thing after this. I know that with the console banning me, that the odds are pretty slim of me getting unbanned but whatever process is needed to prove my innocence I will do. I know that I was immature with a lot of the ways I handling my problems, and I don't think I realized what the problem was, but most of my bans had to do with FailRP, and prop minging. Which is really stupid of me to do because at the time I thought that I wasn't a minge. I know that I have screwed up my chances on your server but please, I'm just asking for one more chance to show you that I have changed for the better. Since I have been banned I have been struggling to find a new community to play on, because not another server has the same quality as this server, and I realize now that the staff on here are just trying to do their job and I gave a little too much hate to some of the staff members, if I don't get unbanned I just want these admins to know that I’m apologizing for my actions: Eisenhorn, Enzyme, Kpred and anyone else I gave a hard time. I'm sorry if this was just a waste of your time but I had to give it another shot, so here I am. I appreciate the time that you took to read my Unban Request, and I’d really like you to take my points into consideration, because I feel like if I had one last chance to play on your server, I don’t think I would mess my final chance up. I truly do believe that I have grown as a person and a roleplayer overall, and I think that if I was given the opportunity to be able to play on your servers, I would make the best of it and do my best to help out the community, be active on the forums, and contribute to the best of my abilities.
Also, heres a link to my last Unban request, where people did get a lua virus where I am inclined to beleive that is the reason I was banned.
Thank you for your time,

Messages In This Thread
Exit_Recoil's moment of truth - by Exit_Recoil - 09-01-2014, 02:56 AM
RE: Exit_Recoil's moment of truth - by Preditor - 09-01-2014, 05:11 PM
RE: Exit_Recoil's moment of truth - by Enzyme - 09-05-2014, 01:08 AM
RE: Exit_Recoil's moment of truth - by Enzyme - 09-05-2014, 01:52 AM
RE: Exit_Recoil's moment of truth - by Enzyme - 09-07-2014, 04:56 PM

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