How to Roleplay - A Demonstration by Ciryl and GeorgeTheBoy
Talking about 2012 FL, I played on FL in 2012, just after the release of GMod 13. I remember Narc not being staff.
The video is pretty cool. I had awesome FailRP experiences too. Cheese. One of the best one was a failed "EvoCity Got Talent" RP, where some newbie chauffeur was participating, and wanted to redo Miley Cyrus' "I came in like a wrecking ball". He made a wrecking ball, sat on it, started moving it and went micspamming "I CAME IN LIKE A WREEEEECKING BAAAAAALL". Was pretty hilarious with everything else mixed into it.
i have self control

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RE: How to Roleplay - A Demonstration by Ciryl and GeorgeTheBoy - by RRK - 08-29-2014, 09:38 AM

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