A few questions regarding the DDoSing!

I don't know that much about DDoS-protection, but I'm willing to discuss this.

I have experienced that when people DDoS my things, they usually use IPs from Russia/China/other non-western countries, ofcourse this doesn't apply to everyone, but what about DDoSing on Fearless?

The Solution I found when I had a forum once, was to block IP-ranges from countries (was a local forum, so the chance that someone actually looks on a norwegian localforum from China is relatively low.)

This worked as hell, but ofcourse, the people from the countries couldn't access.

I know that might not be ethical, but isn't there any form of IP-ranges you can ban to solve this? I can see you have cloudfare, but I guess that doesn't apply to the Gmod-server?

And you're renting servers, right? What does the webhotel say about the DDoSing?

Just asking because I'm curious! Smile

Sorry if this is brought up for the 15981'th time, hehe.

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A few questions regarding the DDoSing! - by WillyVodka - 08-15-2014, 11:42 PM

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