Ban request : Prop killers.
Name of players: [FL:RP] Tyler and VG | C - Jag, and [FL:RP] Duck!

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53009291 for [FL:RP]Tyler, STEAM_0:0:22447309 for VG - C | Jag, and STEAM_0:0:19471988 for [FL:RP] Duck!

Time in GMT: Yesterday at night time.

Server: V2P

Summary: Hey, this is Manbon.

We'll start with Jag and Tyler; they have pushed my Volvo into the lake with props, the moment they realized I caught them doing so they prop pushed it right out of it.

After I got outta there I turned right around and caught them prop minging and killing a player named Liamthegreat on fraps.

[FL:RP]Duck! has been prop killing players with watermelons outside the nexus, I managed to catch the prop owner's name (Duck) for a few brief moments there, take a look:


Jag and Tyler propkilling LiamTheGreat.

Duck's propkilling melon adventure:

Have a great day.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request : Prop killers. - by Manbon the 2nd - 08-03-2014, 05:16 PM
RE: Ban request : Prop killers. - by Burnett - 08-03-2014, 07:58 PM

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