Oligarchy Syndicate
Welcome to the Syndicate
(formally "Top Gear")
[Image: OligarchySyndicate.jpg][Image: oligarchy-thinking.jpg]
Oligarchy is a form of power, whilst operational, where such power effectively rests with a small, elite group of inside individuals while a syndicate is a self-organizing group of criminals formed to transact some specific business, or to promote a common interest and also to engage in organized crime.
Entry is by invitation only

Our Decisions will not be made by a "Sole" leader, this is not the way of the Oligarchy. They will be made by the Will of the Elders and Governors that decide the fate of the Syndicate. This will follow by the Citizens that choose to pass.

Current Members:

Arreman duvet

Entry Consideration Requirements
To be considered entry into the Syndicate you must meet the following requirements:
Server Time: 50 hours
Decent Track Record. (not seen to be booted/banned everyday by admins)
Able to be creative in constructions and building.
Shows a dedicated intrest in the Syndicate's cause.

Ranking Hierarchy
Emergency Tier:
Overlord - Chosen during war, usually the one to leads raids or attacks, Will also be the sole Emissary within negotiations usually to propose and bring forwards ideals to the Council. Has no real power otherwise.

Council Tier:
Elder - The highest Rank of the council, These people would normally propose ideals to the rest of the council to pass judgements about recent events, wars or Pacts.
Governor - The Group of Governors are the Group of people that will vote and debate on items setup by the council. They have as much power as the Elders, however they can not propose declarations of war or alliances.
Initiate - A group of Chosen Citizens that are either on Trial to be come governors or chosen to be a part of a voting bid. Has as much power as above, however they have no privilages otherwise.

Lower Tier-
Enforcer - Chosen to be the Guardians of the Council. Would normally protect them on diplomatic missions, raids or general day to day duties
Citizens - "The common folk" The Citizens are the backbone and mind of the organisation, bringing infomation the council will otherwise not be able to be given.

Trial Tier-
Trial - People that want to become part of the Syndicate but have not be invited by a member or fail to meet the requirements preset by the council or its members.

Public Diplomatic Relations

Mutual Agreement Pact (Alliance)

Unit 211

Neutrality Agreement Pact (NAP)


Hostility "Hitboard"


The Rules of the Clan are simple. Work towards the endless goal of Achivement, Wealth and Power. (that and not to be troublesome) Also rules apply:

If you find yourself lucky enough to fool the officials and become a member of the government you must ensure that cover is not blown, also to ensure that all members of the public are shown disgression in whatever race, clan or background they come from. Also to show our enemys as much Pain as possible without breaking the status quo.

Theft from another member is forbidden
Raiding another member is forbidden (Job to Job rules apply however even though it is not reccomended to raid for this reason)
Pretending to have powers not granted can resolve in you losing more.
Being a member of the Oligarchy Syndicate DOES NOT give you rights over the permenent laws and rules of the server. seen breaking these can give you excluded.

If you wish to base, please do so with a second member of the syndicate to avoid getting beaten down by any who would see to abstruct "Vital" buisness you have in the area.
Mindful builders must be aware that you must be able to create a base of operations that is easily acessable, to other members (and not doombased)

Team Chatting:
We have a frequency, and at all times are you expected to have your radio tuned to it.

Other Relations:
Do not provoke another clan because of something they said, or are doing. This is frowned apon as long as we have neutrality with the clan in question
Crippling enemys is encouraged (without breaking RDM rules) destroying their outposts and bases is seen to be encouraged for the glory of Oligarchy.

Messages In This Thread
Oligarchy Syndicate - by Ahsoka - 08-02-2011, 01:48 AM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Strom - 08-04-2011, 02:37 PM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Ahsoka - 08-04-2011, 09:50 PM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Noobias - 08-05-2011, 02:08 AM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Raccoon - 08-09-2011, 12:01 AM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Shark - 08-09-2011, 10:44 PM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Andreas - 08-10-2011, 10:12 AM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Noobias - 08-10-2011, 03:06 PM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Strom - 08-10-2011, 03:19 PM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Noobias - 08-10-2011, 03:58 PM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Raccoon - 08-10-2011, 09:34 PM
RE: Oligarchy Syndicate - by Faustie - 08-10-2011, 09:36 PM

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