Ban request on [FL:RP] TB-Bundy & ItsJustLink
Okay okay, as you admitted, you equipped a gun first, as we heard, we took this as a threat and got our weapons out and we tried to ''disable'' your ability to kill us, you pulled out first as we heard you got armed, and my friend Itsjustlink said you had a shotgun, i hope any admin or mod can check the logs to find out what he really equipped. This was not random since you got armed and we were the only one around. We stood in front of your door, itsjustlink pmed me ''lets go'' as admins can see in logs and stuff, then we went to walk off and he got armed, we immediately took our weapons out since he wasn't able to shoot us yet, so we did before he did. About the ooc, you said you just had a TMP and we were armed with bigger guns, i gave you a hint and told you you'd better use bigger guns so you could handle it, i didn't say ''Yes i random raided you with bigger guns'' I can't see the point where ''Use bigger guns'' says that it just had a random raid.

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RE: Ban request on [FL:RP] TB-Bundy & ItsJustLink - by TB-Bundy - 07-01-2014, 01:24 PM

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