Kumonryu Law Offices - Freedom of Information Act
Kumonryu Law Offices
LLC of Kumonryu & Pingas Inc.
Made in Garry's Mod, Since 2005

Freedom of Information Act

Part I : Opening Statement

Only two years ago, it was stated by SoulRipper that he would like to make Fearless more transparent, and allow for information that was once locked down to primarily the admin forum to become available to the community of FLRP. As of the current day of the 14th of June, 2014, we have yet to see fulfillment of these words, and if anything, the community has become far less transparent and more conspiracy ridden than it was those two years ago.

In due cause of these reasons, as well as my own personal questions regarding why I was rebanned after being unbanned and never heard why, I wish to fulfill a request for a Freedom of Information Act on FL. The purpose of this act is to not only help certain sects of players regain trust with the admin team, but also to heal any old wounds which may of occurred in controversial bans that were taken and thrown aside into the admin forum or done through hidden messages that are not available to the public. It should go without saying, that thou who cannot voice openly, should not voice at all.

Part II: Increasing Transparency

For the moment in Fearless, transparency is something that is looked down upon. Admins and users alike talk of how the admin forums and hidden messages should remain secretive as certain information may be to sensitive for public viewing. The Lawyers of Kumonryu Law Offices, refute this point as it provides that the admins do not trust the community of FearlessRP with such information or they believe that because of the sensitive materials that this information may provide might cause conflict within the community. If this is the case, we have already stepped a line to far in the regards of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable as a community. Admins should not be downtalking or discriminating against players, as players are already expected to do for them. This not even a matter of simply community, but a matter that is proven within both the FL Forum Rules and Server Rules.

Quote:|In Server Rulelist|
Genereal Rule #4. Do not insult players and admins in out-of-character chats.

Genereal Rule #14. No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.

Quote:|Forum Rules|
Section 1.1 > g.) You are allowed to state your opinion about Fearless, even if it's negative. Please make sure your opinion is based on arguments and is not just spreading hate, because that will result in a warning/ban. Don't state your opinion about the community randomly in threads, this is unnecessary and offtopic.

Section 1.2 > b.) Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users. Flaming or abusing users in any way will not be tolerated and will lead to a ban.

Every member of the community is expected to follow these rules to the crossing of the t's and dotting of the i's. This also includes the staff members as their have been cases in which staff members have been scolded for not following rules in the past, and in certain cases have been actually removed from the team and banned for breaking of other forum and ingame rules.

It is from this understanding that we bring our case to the floor. While admins may be able to see each others messages or are able to contact each other over the admin forum, the majority of the FL community is unable to do this, and is at points left in the dark for whatever conversations take place in the admin forum. Several leaks from current standing and ex-admins have shown that disrespect and other types of bannable behavior runs rabid in admin only discussions. If an admin wishes to contend me on this, I am currently sitting on two documents in relation to ex-admins which have been ousted and within the admin forums they were made fun of and mocked, going as extensive as DOX files being pulled up against them, and new communities that they made. These files even horrify me to a certain degree, as one case which I witnessed was about what to do with an ex-admin who they accused of not following the rules. One method described, and which I will make public mention of was to have a fake "security breach" and force every user to change their passwords, but when a certain user was to approach the staff about having their password changed, they were to be thrown into a bureaucratic stranglehold, as well as some of their friends to ensure they would leave the server.

I find this not only to be disrespectful but I was astounded to find that several members of the community that were from an opposing group had found this tactic to be completely in good heart, and even though two admins voiced that such a tactic was in bad taste, it gained wide support within the thread that was posted, and was listed as an option to be used if said ex-admin was to remain "aggressive" within his RPs.

These case files are not the only things that I have received through various channels. Other files have shown similar practices and virtues being used to get players off the server, even if said players had done absolutely nothing wrong, and were never given a fair trial to question the accusations made against them. The majority of the practices which I have witnessed through numerous images and text dumps have shown that certain members of the staff will pick and target certain players, in the hopes of forcing them to leave the server or making them break down so they can ban them. It is horrible, and I cannot say that word and others enough to describe how I feel after reading roughly five pages worth of admin forum archives.

It is with a sore heart that has lead me to make this post. I am not here to start fights with the admins, but just here to get questions answered. Every player in the community deserves the chance to a fair trial, and deserves to know what is being said about them regarding anything going on in the Courthouse or simply in the admin forum.
Some people might be asking though what could be accomplished without simply opening the entire admin forum. It is with this that I have come with a few suggestions as to what could be done in order to improve transparency, as well as lower the amount of disrespect being dealt to certain players and groups behind closed doors. These suggestions and requests will be listed below...

Quote:1. "Hidden" posts that are currently used by the admin team should be removed, as they do not provide any sense of a fair trial for a player involved in a Courthouse case.

2. Threads that are within the admin forum that do not discuss server and gamemode sensitive information should be disclosed after one week of it's original post, even if the thread remains active within the admin forum.

3. Friends of banned community members should have the right to request files in the regards of their friends ban, as well as any activity regarding them in the RP forum.

4. Ingame logs need to become available to every community member. In order to ensure that players simply do not read the logs while activities are being partaken, I'd like to suggest that a thirty minute to one hour cooldown is enacted on log disclosure. As well as censoring of P.Radio frequencies.

5. With the admin archive subforum being made available for community members to read, I'd like to suggest the introduction of an area in which players can all rationally discuss the files that have been released, in order to promote conversation and debate on how things should be handled in FL.

These suggestions may seem out there, but it might be the only way to prevent problems that may arise from any true leak being released into the open. I can tell you without even much though, that if the files that I have received through several channels were to be released out into the open for public disclosure, I feel that people would be quiet heart broken about how things are being handled, and how the current staff team views the community.

Part III: Closing Statement

With requests made for the Kumonryu Law Offices, I feel that I should make final statement regarding, what I have seen and how I feel about it.
Originally, I started getting into contact with ex-admins and people who have connections to current standing people in order to find out why I was rebanned without any trial, and in doing so... I sorta came across a beast that I am shocked by. Corruption isn't even what I'd use to describe the current situation, as most of the practices being used to get rid of certain players are given approval by a majority of the admin teams, and have only been shrugged off when it was revealed that such plans could backfire horridly. As a message to the staff team, I cannot fathom why you guys find some of this stuff acceptable. Your job is to show the community in a positive light, and from what I have seen, and through the channels I have received from, I have heard nothing but shock and horror regarding the current developments and information we have found. It's remarkable that such things have yet to come to the surface outside of ex-admin and ex-mods gossiping about some things back and forth between members of their clans and the like. You guys need to take a step back and ask yourselves if the things you are doing are really about keeping the community safe, and if it's just some vendettas you have against certain people. You cannot say, that some of these people are monsters, when you, yourselves, practice the same type of things that said monsters do...

I leave that as my closing statement,
J. Skylynx
Kumonryu Law Offices
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Kumonryu Law Offices - Freedom of Information Act - by Joey Skylynx - 06-14-2014, 09:41 PM

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