[UNOFFICIAL] United Defense Agency (UDA)
[Image: dc92ff074a.jpg]

How did we start?

Rwanda, 1994
Christopher Warren, a member of the UN peacekeeping team, enters Rwanda to try and keep peace in the country during the hard times with the Hutu and the Tutsi constantly fighting. Chris Warren was 59 at the time and under the command of a Canadian lieutenant general named Romeo Dallaire. He was a officer for a group of peacekeepers in a remote village and it was his job to control them and transport people out of Rwanda and into the safety of peacekeepers in the countries surrounding Rwanda. Lieutenant General Romeo Dallaire was under strict orders to not intervene against the resistance fighters and he passed that message down to his officers, including Officer Warren. Both were angered at this as they saw over 800,000 Rwandans die in front of their eyes and they knew they couldn't do anything about this besides to watch it all happen. As the UN peacekeepers withdrew from Rwanda at the end of the conflict, Dallaire and Warren were still very angry at the fact that they could of saved hundreds of thousands of lives. This is when, they took it up with their commanding officers of the UN. They had a idea that the higher ups really didn't agree on, but they gave it a chance. Dallaire and Warren formed the United Defense Agency, a sub group of the UN that may intervene in anything it deems necessary. So it was on January 1st, 1995, that the UN officially signed the UDA into service. Dallaire was appointed general and Warren was appointed lieutenant general. This quickly changed as Dallaire had previous heart problems and passed away on August 15th, 1996. Warren was then appointed to Dallaire's rank and quickly whipped the organization into order to go onto their first missions. Warren's son, Alex Warren, followed in his father's footsteps and became a colonel in the UDA. General Christopher Warren passed away on May 28th, 2014 and his son, Colonel Alex Warren, was appointed director of the UDA in his father position. Colonel Warren was officially put into the positition on May 29th, 2014 infront of President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron, President Hollande, and Chancellor Merkel along with members of the UN.

Who are we?
We are primarily a security, peace keeping, and researched based group. We aim to provide security for government officials or other groups that aren't connected in crime. One of UDA's goals is to keep Evocity crime free whether it be crime, group(clan) related wars, and other things along the lines of that. The UDA aren't always armed but have the resources to be and to do any task that they are assigned.

[Image: CtnSrgr.png]

General (GEN) - The Founder of the United Defense Agency. Has access to any and all things and the power to remove anyone from his team at any time.

Colonel (COL) - Second highest in the command staff, has access to do anything that the General can do besides overriding his decisions.

Major (MAJ) - Third highest in the command staff, has access to do most things besides removing team members on his own.

Captain (CPT) - Captain will usually be the one that is leading teams and being with them while on the ground, has control over anyone below him.

Sergeant (SGT) - Leader of smaller teams than the Captain, while still listening to his orders.

Corporal (CPL) - One of the basic ranks. Earned when you have shown your skills in the field and know how to be a good team leader.

Private First Class (PFC) - Lowest rank besides private. This rank is given to you when you have passed all of our requirements.

Private (PVT) - Rank you're assigned when you first join.

The main task of the Operations Division is to carry out tasks that include, keeping peace away from the FOB, shutting down rebellions and making sure all parties follow basic human rights.
The ranks follow into almost all the divisions, the Operations Division is armed almost all the time and has the most access to the resources that the UN can provide. This team specializes in assault tactics, psychology, and many more things. This will be the division that you mainly see around the city and the other ones are usually keeping to themselves and doing things that don't
concern the public as much.

The main task of the Defense Division is to provide security for foreign diplomats, important people traveling to dangerous areas, and security for any government official or higher up group.

This will be the division that you see with the president of Evocity all the time and the group that you will see guarding any other place. This team specializes in defense tactics, self defense tactics, and social relations. And, of course, the ranks still carry over into this division.

The main task of the Research Division is to find the latest and greatest weaponry, technology, and any other things that could benefit the agency.

This division will mainly be based in the Evocity labs under the nexus or elsewhere. The ranks don't carry over into this division as there are only scientists here. Those scientists specialize in biology, weapon manufacturing and development, and technology.
[Image: pnYn9mq.png]
Command staff

General - Alex Warren - [FL] Venom
Colonel - Matthew Bellator - [FL:RP] PREDITOR OF WAR
Major - Bailey "rouch" Montoya - [FL:RP] Rouch122

Other ranks
Captain -
Sergeant -
Corporal -
Private First Class -
Private -

-Atleast 14 years old
-200+ hours
-Basic understanding of RP
-Can speak English well enough to where we can actually understand what you're saying

OOC Information

Steam name:
Steam ID:
RP Points:
Real Age:
Other clans that you have been involved with:


IC Information

Why do you want to join us:
Previous military/peacekeeping experience:
How you can benefit us:

This is just a basic layout of everything as I wanted to get it out. More info will come and this will be actively updated...

Messages In This Thread
[UNOFFICIAL] United Defense Agency (UDA) - by Venom - 05-30-2014, 08:49 PM
RE: United Defense Agency (UDA) - by Preditor - 05-30-2014, 08:51 PM
RE: United Defense Agency (UDA) - by Jan - 05-30-2014, 08:52 PM
RE: United Defense Agency (UDA) - by Weecow - 05-30-2014, 08:54 PM
RE: United Defense Agency (UDA) - by Venom - 05-30-2014, 09:02 PM
RE: United Defense Agency (UDA) - by mgdwszx - 05-30-2014, 09:24 PM
RE: United Defense Agency (UDA) - by Morbid - 05-30-2014, 10:02 PM
RE: United Defense Agency (UDA) - by Analcry - 05-30-2014, 10:58 PM

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