Burrito Warrior - Unban Request
Your name: (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: 35962

Banned by: Narcotic

Reason: Teamkilling several times, lying about it, 14th ban, permanent ban issued.

Involved: Narcotic, It's Blaine<3

Why we should unban you: I was banned around a year ago, and since then I have spent over 600+ hours on RP servers, as well as maturing over the year. I have been getting involved in serious RP servers, but none of the servers I have been on have offered the same unique experience as Fearless. I understand that what I did was wrong, and that I had many chances to clean up my act but was too immature to see it.

I realise I'm asking a lot of the staff and the community to consider this proposal but I want to assure you that I have changed a huge amount over the last year. I am no longer the immature child that got banned last year, but instead a matured, serious RPer. I have learnt to respect the rules, staff and community of servers and realise that you shouldn't have to deal with the way I acted. It may seem unfair that I'm asking for an unban after 14 chances, but I would not even be posting this unban request if I wasn't confident that I have changed for the better. I wish to be able to wear the FL tag with pride.

Thank you for considering my proposal,
Burrito Warrior.

Messages In This Thread
Burrito Warrior - Unban Request - by Burrito Warrior - 05-15-2014, 08:03 AM
RE: Burrito Warrior - Unban Request - by Enzyme - 05-15-2014, 09:06 AM
RE: Burrito Warrior - Unban Request - by Enzyme - 05-17-2014, 11:38 PM
RE: Burrito Warrior - Unban Request - by Fultz - 06-13-2014, 04:19 AM

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