Piggly Unban Request
I can not be sure what happened to the people at UM, but I can be sure we were being shot from UM by at least one person. We even called for backup over the radio. Perhaps they left after the other rebel started shooting back at them. Not sure how, as they would have had to come past us, unless they changed jobs or disconnected. I must have been shot before the SRU sergeant then though if you say it was empty, but I was hit 3 times and brought down to 13 health.
When the SRU sergeant arrived he pointed his gun at the other rebel and I assumed, tried to arrest him for having the AWP. So I backed off and tranquilised him in an attempt to save the rebel from being arrested. I assume it was at this point when the rebel told the SRU sergeant about us being sniped. However since I had backed away I did not hear this conversation. By the time I came back to the car to rejoin the other rebel the sergeant had gone, so we continued to stay in cover. I then looked down my scope and I see someone at UM and instantly take the shot without thinking, fearing that he has probably seen me come out of cover and was going to shoot me. This of course turned out to be the same SRU sergeant.
I was not intending to try and hostage him, as there would be no gain from it and not possible as we believed we were still being fired upon (can't even hear the shots from that distance). I had no idea he was trying to help us. I did not do this just to try and have some fun, I do not find fun in causing upset to others (unlike most people on the internet). I have been random tranqed before, no fun in that and there was no need to do so. There were fights going on all of the time with the rebels, we were even called multiple times to go and help the another rebel out elsewhere, but said we couldn't as we were getting shot at. This was honestly just a lack of communication between me and the other rebel and an act of friendly fire. I am sorry for my mistake.

Messages In This Thread
Piggly Unban Request - by Thefatgerbil - 03-23-2014, 07:03 PM
RE: Piggly Unban Request - by Enzyme - 03-23-2014, 08:48 PM
RE: Piggly Unban Request - by Thefatgerbil - 03-23-2014, 10:58 PM
RE: Piggly Unban Request - by Enzyme - 03-24-2014, 11:28 AM

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