Please Unban me.
Your name: Skeptic12

Your ban ID: 45719

Banned by: ZedsDead

Reason: Prob climbing

Involved: a

Why we should unban you: I am new to this game and I have no idea what Prob Climbing is nor was I aware it was against the rules. I have read all of the rules and have found nothing about prob climbing. The Props rules are listed as following:

Tools/Props Rules

Do not propkill yourself or others.
Do not proppush at all.
Do not propblock anything, there should be a keypad or button to reach the area/items.
Do not propsurf yourself or others.
You may not build in a public area unless an admin gave you permission.
Do not build in the Nexus unless the president gave you permission.
It's not allowed to make traps, constructions that kill people.
Don't try to get on rooftops and don't build on them either.
Do not abuse your physgun, toolgun, props or any of the tools.
All your constructions must be supported. This means no floating constructions.
Don't use vehicle seats to reach places (IE. Nexus bridge jump)
Do not spawn props during a combat situation. IE: Baricades for defence or offence, new structures.

The closest thing I could find to my "offence" was spawning props during a combat situation. I was not in combat there was nobody there at the time. The fireman then pulled up on me taking pictures then screamed "You better get out of here before your banned!". Then today I discovered I was banned. Thank you for your time.

Messages In This Thread
Please Unban me. - by Skeptic12 - 03-10-2014, 01:31 PM
RE: Please Unban me. - by Enzyme - 03-10-2014, 06:10 PM
RE: Please Unban me. - by Skeptic12 - 03-10-2014, 06:14 PM
RE: Please Unban me. - by Enzyme - 03-10-2014, 09:10 PM

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