Solving Blue Screen of death on Windows XP start up.
The issue with that fix is that it only works if Daemon tools is causing the problem. If its, for example a graphics card driver corruption then removing SPTD.sys will not help and will only server to make daemon tools not work. Fortunately in your case Crazywire the error was not system related and could be bypassed. I had a BSOD error a few years back when I was still on Windows 98 (back in the day indeed) where one of the critical USB drivers was stuck in an infinity loop (trying to open itself, leading to it opening itself etc.) which was preventing any kind of boot up. I think the driver was mup.sys. If anyone has this problem, I really feel for you, because the only way I found to get round it was a complete system reinstall.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Solving Blue Screen of death on Windows XP start up. - by dryblood321 - 06-17-2011, 09:58 AM
RE: Solving Blue Screen of death on Windows XP start up. - by Jamisicus6 - 07-15-2011, 05:38 AM

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