Mass cdm Inside nexus And proppushing
I was in this server when all of this happened and i have ALOT to add to that after he left. Ok so he kept changing jobs and cdming with a taxi then an ambulance and kept trespassing into the nexus. Also RDM, Prop Pushing, Prop Climbing over the gates to the garage (which were put there in the first place because of him), and Prop Killing. Also cursing and homophobia toward every one literally everyone asked him to leave the server a bunch of times and he was REALLY annoying and just punched every one. I never want to see him again and if I do I might just leave FLRP because I don't want to RP with people like that ever again!

All of the 16 screenshots just the guy cursing and i admit i cursed but who would not be mad at some one like this.
BTW the taxi being (propblocked because he keep cdming)was there so he can pay the fine. When asked to pay his fine to get back his car he replied badly saying f*ck you cops and other hurtful and bad stuff through mic and ooc chat and he kept trying to prop climb the barrier to his car as well as every barrier in the nexus the pres says that as well.

PS: when he said "Man i bet these cops mothers wished they had aborted them." it made me cry because I currently do not have a mother and it also pissed me off. If there is no action taken against this I will be quite sad.

PPS: He also kept coming back and punching me ALOT of times and every time he would get killed or arrested he would come right back to me or who every had done it and punch them and insult them.

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RE: Mass cdm Inside nexus And proppushing - by thefamilyjuls - 03-02-2014, 05:42 AM

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