Unban request Frede0078
Your name: Frede0078

Your ban ID: 42600

Banned by: [FL] Freezak

Reason: Basing on the main street.

Involved: All the rebels

Why we should unban you: Because that it doesn't say in the rules where the main street is. I've played almost 2 years ago, and just came back yesterday.
I read all the rules, before i started to play again, and it didn't say where the main street where..So how should i know?

Best Regards

Messages In This Thread
Unban request Frede0078 - by frede0078 - 02-16-2014, 02:22 PM
RE: Unban request Frede0078 - by Freezak - 02-16-2014, 02:25 PM

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