Ban Request Ice_Berg and xXGjorgioXx
Iceberg has a problem at forums and cant respond at this br .He told m that mat and his friend raided him as bmd ,and he had keypad but it was below so he propably didnt saw it .Also he had a double dooring because his door was bugged, he couldnt close it thats why he had the door with keypad.Lastly he told me that he had no contra so it was not a valid raid he had only weed which was hidden,after the first raid on iceberg ,they changed jobs and joined rebels ,then they raided him again while he still had no contra.The chef guy and iceberg dont know each others ,there is no connection between them

i also want to say that i wasnt in game and i just said what he told m

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RE: Ban Request Ice_Berg and xXGjorgioXx - by Astakos - 02-09-2014, 11:27 AM

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