Please unban or can i have some info?
Your name: Mr Falcos Jervil

Your ban ID: 43890

Banned by: [FL] Drogas

Reason: fail RP?

Involved: not sure?

Why we should unban you:
OK i role play a crazy fisherman and his rod normal going around asking people to touch it and getting FLPD to put me in jail for stuff.

but today I thought id spice it up by getting a bucket and sitting on levels on the nexus fishing out of a bucket until a fella came up to me and asked me to leave so i was with my bucket so I told him i love my fish and moved over to the elevator shaft he then shot my bucket and it got knocked off the level so i cried and shouted then jumped over the edge for my bucket of fish as a crazy obsessed fisherman with his bucket and would die for it? .

only to find out I would be banned for this as i did not know you can not role play a crazy fisherman who is obsessed with his bucket and would die for it?

is this ban a perma or anything?

if this is not allowed then am sorry and it wont happen anymore.

however id still like to chase people with my ROD asking to touch it.

Messages In This Thread
Please unban or can i have some info? - by Falcos - 02-03-2014, 06:48 PM

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