BR Shadow Wolf - Bistup - TheGamingThrow
(01-18-2014, 04:12 PM)[Ralidash] Shadow Wolf Wrote: I Did not Punch Him for no reason for starters I punched him when he threatened to kill me. He was demanding a ride when me (Shadow Wolf) and gaming where riding saying give me a ride for free. When he fell to his death that was not me that was the only person he did not mention ( Owen ) zaped my roller coaster with the remover tool he could do this because i gave him permission up till this time when he was using it to troll people Angry. The reason Bistup Killed him was because he shot gaming in the head for no reason damaging him Bistup helped Gaming and stopped him from being Rdmed.

I Do not approve of this ban appeal. Nervous

extra infomation: He returned within 3 minutes breaking Nlr, He also prop Threw his car at me killing me with a blue barrel.

¨Lol dude there are so many lies in this post i dont even know where to start.

1, you did punch me for no reason when i was standing in your entrance to the rollercoaster. I was replying to a steam message and then you punched me. I took my gun out and said "punch me one more time, and you die!"

2. I never "demanded" a ride in the rollercoaster. I took a ride ONCE when you said "ill let you try my rollercoaster for free since its still in BETA. You dont have to pay"
Thats when it got removed when i was on it and i died.

3. Owen wasnt even on the server when this happened.

4. I never shot Gaming in the head. His health was full when you guys killed me.

5. I didnt break NLR. I waited for 5 minutes then took the train back into town to retrieve my car. And when i died it was outside the Fire Station Garage. When i returned, it was at he exact same spot.
Sincerely, TotallyGG
Community Member & Donator

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RE: BR Shadow Wolf - Bistup - TheGamingThrow - by Shawkzie - 01-18-2014, 04:39 PM

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