[Unofficial] The Sons Of Anarchy

Sons Of Anarchy : Evocity Chapter

The Sons of Anarchy , also known as the Reaper Crew, are an outlaw club. The club was formed in 1967 and the first chapter was founded in Charming, California. The club was originally formed as a sort of social rebellion for men who simply wanted freedom and no longer wished to live by society's rules. They also tried to protect the people of Charming from outside gangs and drug dealers rather than exploit them. The first chapter was originally located in the small town of Charming until the F.B.I. began sniffing around busting deals and arresting members. The chapter took a vote and decided to set up a new chapter in Evocity to bring in more business and expand their reach. The chapter will be run by the Mother Chapter's V.P. Travis Baker. The chapter has settled in nicely is now looking for members to help the chapter grow to it's full potential. We will make the people "Fear The Reaper" once again.

Bases Of Operations
The club has 28 chapters worldwide. In North America, these are located in Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, New England, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming in the United States, and Alberta and Manitoba in Canada. There are also a number of chapters in England, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Scandinavia.

S.O.A Entry Ranks

Hang-around: A Hang-Around/Club supporter is not a member, but an Associate of the Club. A Hang-Around can get in on low-level club functions such as protection runs, parties, and be asked to assist the Club on occasion. All Hang-Arounds must be approved by the President in order to become part of a crew.

Prospect: Entry-level member of the Club. A prospective member must "Prospect" full-time for at least 6 weeks or until the Club unanimously votes him "Patch In" as a full Member of the Sons of Anarchy. A new Prospect works directly under the Full-Patch member who sponsored him. And the said Member acts as his mentor to learn the basics of the Club and accompany him on jobs. Prospectship is not easy, nor is it easy to even attain. This is only for the most committed to becoming a brother to the Club. Those who pass will be patched in as MEMBERS of the Club.

Full Patch Members

Full-Patch Member: A Full-Patch votes on all Club business and has an equal say on it. A Full-Patch has earned his place in the Club and demands the respect of Prospects and Hang-Arounds.

Enforcer: An Enforcer is a Full-Patch member who fiercely earns and enforces Club interests. Enforcer's have shown incredible loyalty, shed blood, and bled for the Club. An Enforcer may be tasked with the Club's most important business and to see it through. To be known as an enforcer is a tremendous honor within the Club.

S.O.A Charter-level Officers

S.O.A Charter-level Officers are officers are appointed by the President and approved by a unanimous vote. Officers have certain responsibilities associated with their position that take care of the administration/logistics of basic Club function. An Officer may resign/retire his post at any time and return to Full-Patch status.

Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for collecting dues, collecting fines, maintains the Clubs finances, records the minutes at the weekly meeting called "Church".

Sgt. At Arms: The Sergeant At Arms maintains order during meetings, functions, and runs. The Sgt. At Arms also enforces the President's policy at times. The Sgt. At Arms is usually the principle raid leader/expert of the Club.

Vice President: The V. President is second-in-charge of his Charter. The VP assists the President in the execution of his duties.

Twin Sons President: The Twin Sons President is President of the Club's first Charter, or the "Mother" Charter (Twin Sons). The Twin Sons President serves as President of the entire MC and sets Club policy on a variety of issues.

1. Manages the Club according to its Charter and By-laws.
2. Presides at all membership and special meetings.
3. Set dates for membership, special, and executive committee meetings.
4. Appoint committee members for special projects.
5. Appoint members to fill elected officer positions as necessary until a special meeting can be scheduled for an election for the vacant position.
7. Chair Executive Committee.
8. Distribute a tentative agenda for the next membership meeting.

S.O.A Members

Twin Sons President - Travis Baker

Joining The S.O.A

Steam Name:

Steam ID:

Roleplaying Points:

Hours On The Server:

Bans On The Server:

In-Game Name:

Why Do You Think You Should Become A S.O.A Member:

Activity on FL (1-10):

  • Always Respect Higher Ranking Members
  • Do not threaten other members
  • Do not steal from other members
  • Do not break server rules while Rping with the clan
  • Do not RDM or CDM
  • Do not rage in OOC
  • Follow the orders that are given to you
  • Always respect the Twin Sons President
  • Do not start wars unless the President approves it
  • Don't hand out the private radio frequency to anyone

Breaking these rules may lead to a suspension or a kick depending on the case.
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Messages In This Thread
[Unofficial] The Sons Of Anarchy - by Sex_And_Dubstep - 01-03-2014, 07:54 AM
RE: [Unofficial] The Sons Of Anarchy - by nEEb__ - 01-03-2014, 08:55 AM
RE: [Unofficial] The Sons Of Anarchy - by zTAKEz - 01-03-2014, 08:56 AM
RE: [Unofficial] The Sons Of Anarchy - by Ludo - 01-03-2014, 09:16 AM
RE: [Unofficial] The Sons Of Anarchy - by Morbid - 01-04-2014, 03:24 PM
RE: [Unofficial] The Sons Of Anarchy - by Analcry - 01-06-2014, 06:24 AM

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