Blacklisted from Physgun + Tool gun + Props
We're talking about your attitude towards admins here.

You sent me a link saying I should read it because it was a book or something that you wrote.
I saw this was an unblacklist-thread and told you that you shouldn't contact staffmembers on steam regarding unblacklists, especially not if the admin you are contacting wasn't involved. I told you I reacted towards you tricking me into reading your unblacklist-thread and you told me that I needed to hurry up with the thread because you had shit to do, and I told you that I don't have to do things ASAP as you tell me to do as I'm busy IRL, and you then asked why my name was on the staff-page then.

Basically the entire chat was about me dealing with your UBL because you had shit to do and I'm supposed to deal with this because my name was on the staff-list. You have a problem towards staff-members where you almost behave as we are robots or slaves ready to do any command you give us. I had to remind you we staffmembers are volunteers, we aren't paid to respond and deal with things at the same minute you tell us to.

I finally decided to remove you from my Steam-friendslist as I found your attitude to be very disrespectful, and I understand why Aviator had to remove you aswell.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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RE: Blacklisted from Physgun + Tool gun + Props - by Enzyme - 12-28-2013, 03:00 AM

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