Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce
[b]Your name: [FL:RP] DuckSauce. Steam friends name: pim2399

[b]Your ban ID: 41613

[b]Banned by: [FL] Drogas

[b]Reason: Doomfort / Fade and shoot

[b]Involved: My friend(Pim2399) and the government force - SRU AND the police force

[b]Why we should unban you: First of all I would like to explain the situation.. It all started with a police officer harrasing our door with the ram(batton whatever)/spamming it on our door saying he wanted to check our house for contraband while we were telling him to leave. He didn't stop ramming the door, so we decided to try something else.. hostage him and tell him the consequences and gave him 2 choices.. either pay us 1k each or stay inside our house for the rest of his life(kinda tried to rp lol). But before he reached the point where he was gonna answer a police man came in with a ram and rammed the keypad and all the doors we had(failrp?)... When he came to the last room, my friend had a gun up pointing at him telling him to get down on the ground.. the police officer then suddenly turned around and took out his gun and started to shoot at my friend(failrp?). We then killed him and after some time we had all the SRU's and the police force on our door. They rushed in and we killed most of them, if not all.. This is the point where one of the raiders wrote "nice doomfort ducksauce".. at this point Drogas teleported to me and said that this was a doomfort.. But thing is that [FL]Beflok teleported to me 1 or 2 days before and told me to do some changes on it and then approved it.. I did these changes and he told me the base was fine. Next [FL]Drogas removed our base and we sold the doors and left to the other appartment room.(oppsite)..

Where we sat out a "bad" base and started to fix our room and buy the doors.. The next step I did was fixing the doors, putting fading door on them and putting keypads and buttoms, but I only reach to finish the first door. After I was done with the first door(this was the one that was inside not the one after the regular server door) I faded the main door and sat a buttom, this is the moment where the SRU people+ police rushed in and saw the "fake" keypad (remember it is the old keypad from the dupe which wasn't connected to the door) so they cracked it once and nothing happend.. this is the moment where I started to stress and ran out to put a keypad for them so they could get "in/finish raid" but I got stuck in that door.. What I did was ask my friend to open it so I could get out and set the keypad for them.. after he had released me from the stuck I ran to the door with the toolgun to put out the keypad. First time i tried the SRU's and the police started to shoot wild at me and my friend. Me and my friend got hit, so he shot back ( What could you do when you get that adrenaline rush). I opened the door again and suceed second try to put out the keypad.. I then ran back in and this is the point where we got banned...
And here I am the 24'th writing a unban request for me and my friend.. I also might think that some of the police forces came back to the crime scene after they died at the first room and raid.. Breaking NLR. I am really sorry for the misstypes and the bad english. I really hope this can get investigated on and maybe I will come through as a honest man. This is my first ban, and its length was 2 days and 23 hours for reasonCheeseoomfort / Fade and shoot. I really hope I explained myself on the actions, and if there is any questions im ready for them.

Thanks for reading
[FL:RP] DuckSauce

Messages In This Thread
Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by ediftw - 12-24-2013, 08:29 PM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by Fultz - 12-24-2013, 09:08 PM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by ediftw - 12-24-2013, 09:20 PM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by Fultz - 12-24-2013, 10:15 PM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by ediftw - 12-24-2013, 10:35 PM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by Fultz - 12-24-2013, 11:38 PM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by ediftw - 12-25-2013, 01:03 AM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by Fultz - 12-25-2013, 01:47 AM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by ediftw - 12-25-2013, 11:59 AM
RE: Unban request - [FL:RP] DuckSauce - by Fultz - 12-25-2013, 02:44 PM

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