Blacklisted - Physgun & Toolgun Access
Ok, to make one thing very simple to understand. I have no personal vendetta against you two. But be advised, that if a FL staff member talks to you for a longer period of time, so you can explain yourself to why you, as a contruction worker, killed a security guard, then stabbed and tranqed a BMD instead of calling the police about tresspasser, you obviously shouldn't stand right next to him and indirectly insult the staff member afterwards and giving attitude about it. Same goes for day 2, when Dave got blacklisted, first thing DrTosspot did, was comment in the OOC and then indirectly insulting the Staff member again while speaking between the both of you while standing right next to me.

Now, back to the case. I was watching your dupe and trying to talk to you about your dupe, and about our conversation the day before, while i was talking to Drogas on steam asking a couple of questions regarding the dupe and what he felt i should do. While i was trying to talk to you and waiting for reply, all i see are you two running around, stabbing a bmd, who also LEFT when you told him to, after you stabbed him a couple of times. When you finaly came back, you stood there for 20 seconds tops, then you both jumped the wall using the window and drove off in your trabant. At that point, i gave up trying to explain to you anymore until i had gotten response about the dupe and wheter or not it was public building, and you so clearly stated it wasn't.

When i finally got the response, i TPed Dave to me, finaly being able to have a talk without either of you running around doing everything else then talking to the mod, who is clearly talking to you. I explained to him how it was indeed public building, and regarding the conversation we had the day before, i was gonna take action for not listening. Now. I gave you a 3 hour blacklist, which is more then fair. I even got advised to ban you, but i saw no need for it, seing how i believe i had made my point towards public building permission with the blacklist.

When it comes to the impound and MyFloodifys shop. After i was done with you and your public building, i went over to the impound, and had a talk with RikarD, the owner of the impound. While i was there, i explained to him about public building, and without giving me any attitude about it, he simply asked for permission for the public build. I told him to spawn the dupe again, as he had removed it since i commented about the public building, and i examined the dupe, and simply gave him permission. I then got an @ call from Myflood while i was talking to RikarD, and gave him a permission as well.

Now. I am not always sure when it comes to the rules of the server myself, seeing how different admins have different opinions on what is what, which is why it make take a few minutes for me to react to a certain case, because i am asking other staff members on their opinions. Now. I've been told by one admin that as long as the public build is realistic and passive, i doesn't bother about public build permissions that much. I have also been told by another admin that everything that isn't behind owned doors (with a few exceptions) needs a public build permission. And seeing how i had a rather long conversation with you the day before about it, i did what i felt was right.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Blacklisted - Physgun & Toolgun Access - by Feffe - 12-22-2013, 10:00 AM

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