Blacklisted - Physgun & Toolgun Access
(12-21-2013, 03:54 PM)ZedsDead Wrote: Right. I watched the dupe for a while, true, because i was watching you and DrTosspot use the catwalk and window in the back to propclimb over the wall and jump over to where the BMD spawns, where you even had your car parked. Now. I issued a blacklist because the day BEFORE the one i blacklisted you, you had spawned another public dupe without asking permission, and when i asked about it, you said that Narc had told you that as long as you owned the Tides doors, you could spawn the dupe there. I checked with Narc about this, and told me he had never said that. So, are you then really that surprised to be blacklisted the day after that for spawning another public dupe without asking for permission first? I even did talk to you about it, but you were to busy running after a bmd stabbing him a few times because he was in your public dupe. And no surprise, after stabbing him, you and DrTosspot had to make a quick getaway, and used the dupe to jump the wall again. Now. After checking with another admin, he advised me to issue a blacklist, as i had warned you the day before, so i did. You also told me you had showned the dupe to Beflok on the build server and he had approved it. Took a few screenshots of the dupe, and showed him the dupe later, and he then told me he had never seen the dupe before and did not approce of the build. So yet again, what i would assume lying about what another admin had said, just to avoid punishment(?).

You can even see you running away from just propclimbing the wall in one of the pics here, and you can see you car parked behind the wall.

We made fixes to our dupe after people started to complain (by people, I mean 3 SRU officers that were completely oblivious, one of them in fact, killing one of us for throwing a bottle while we had no weapons). The reason for my blacklist is 'public building', correct? Oh god forbid that I place a dupe in a dark, secluded alleyway with no publicity or domain.

The day before, when I had my construction site at Tides, was duped long before you got on the server. And while you insisted that I was to check for permission even long after you had got on, I do genuinely recall Narcotic (or at least one of the admins) claiming that I could place that particular dupe on the condition that I owned all the doors inside. You were right to ask me for his statement though, because all players are expected to log absolutely every single statement made by an admin (one of them being about 2 months ago), am I right?

From what Beflok told me:

23:51 - [FL] beflok: Generally speaking people only get harassed if the build is in the way or is unrealistic to city rp.

Lastly, prior to my blacklist, there were at least another 2 public dupes. One across from us, and another in the main street. Both were far more obvious and exposing, and had a consisting operation in each (a store and an impound lot). I specifically remember the store being duped before you were even online, and after keeping my eyes on it for my whole time spent on the server that day, I didn't see you confront the owner once for building permission. All of these incidents making it blatantly obvious that you were targeting us specifically for reasons considered very minor/irrelevant.

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RE: Blacklisted - Physgun & Toolgun Access - by ilmon3y - 12-21-2013, 10:26 PM

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