Why is build server hard to access for me?
I don't know about everyone else, but attempting to enter the build server is impossible for me unless I have a friend who's in there and even then I get stuck on a loading screen.

Here are some of the problems.

- Direct connecting using Console doesn't work (Failed after 4 retries)

- Using the Legacy Browser to get in doesn't work or even display the amount of players or server name just the IP. (Failed after 4 retries)

- Whenever I go to follow a friend into the build server it displays "Downloading Customizable Weaponry" and loops not allowing me in. I don't know if I have to download this or not, but it takes quite a long time.

If anyone has any solutions please leave them in the comments. Smile

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Why is build server hard to access for me? - by Sgtbender2000 - 12-16-2013, 10:18 PM

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