Ban Request for KEN_z and ADP #2french
Both Random DMED me while i had my house / Base kinda near Corleone base ( v2d ) they did it 2 times,

I got screens i think i uploaded them of them being spawned and you can see in the background that they are cracking my keypad.
Also i asked them why they did Raid me their reason were '' You stole our house '' '' You were running around in your house with a gun so you made my friend scared '' '' You did look angry '' etc, then they told me to fuck off and get a life in a PM.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request for KEN_z and ADP #2french - by Noble - 12-03-2013, 08:57 PM
RE: Ban Request for KEN_z and ADP #2french - by Donuts - 12-04-2013, 05:05 PM

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