Shogun 2 : Need help naming Veteran Units
So I need help naming units such as the naginata samurai and yari samurai / katana samurai, In multiplayer of course as veterans.

Just think of a cool name for those categories or so. here is what I have for my veteran unit

Original name : Hanzo's Shadows

New name : Darker Than Black ( Anime name )

[Image: 5odz9.jpg]

( Hope the image worked )

Here is another veteran I have

Original name : Katana Hero

New name : Masters of Karate and Friendship

[Image: 5odEf.jpg]

[Image: 5odFD.jpg]

[Image: 5odGm.jpg]

Sexy right? dat yellow red and green... oh man

( I have more vets than these dont you worry, just these ones I handpicked )

( If you dont know what im talking about. Total war SHOGUN : 2 Has a multiplayer function where you can modify units who excel in battle and do good. like add survivability armor / range and such :l quite cool )

So have any color ideas for anyone or cool names that are scary? Tell me :3
[Image: 9lQ10sX.png]
updated 1/24/2020

Messages In This Thread
Shogun 2 : Need help naming Veteran Units - by Rozzok - 11-20-2013, 07:40 PM

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