Having problems with my GPU
At least, I have my suspicions that my GPU is acting up.

For the whole day, whenever I boot up my desktop, my visuals will perform fine, but then it gradually becomes worse and worse. I thought at first that something was eating up my resources, but apparently, there's way more than enough processing power for that to be an issue.

I remember installing the new driver GeForce released ("gaming" something or whatever, not a beta driver) the night before, and I had my system kept on overnight while I was torrenting something. I woke up this morning and I thought somebody had shut it down, but the event manager logged it as an error.

After being logged on for about 15 minutes, I had lag issues on my desktop. Navigating my pointer across the screen was all in a stutter, and even drag-selecting all my icons took up to 1 minute.

Eventually, the power got knocked off, so I thought it was an issue with the hardware. I stripped my case open 3 times today, re-fitting everything the way it should be. The same procedure happens after I re-boot at that point; I log on, everything is fine and then my general performance starts to degrade more and more until it becomes an eyesore.

I tried diagnosing the problem further by running a set of games, both high and low demanding for a GPU. I have a GTX 560 Ti, and along with my other specs, I can run mostly every game at the highest settings.

I experienced the same troubles in both categories of games. Tropico 4, with low settings applied, gave me an average FPS of 20. Deus Ex: Human Revolution, with the 'optimized' settings applied (high), gave me roughly the same.

Normally, I'm able to run both of these games at the highest settings provided. But what I've noticed today is, after I re-boot, a game can run perfect for the first couple of minutes, then my FPS will gradually go lower and lower to the point where it's impossible to play.

I've checked my clock speeds; core clocked at 1 GHz and memory clocked at 2.5 GHz.

It feels like I've hit a brick wall, almost, I'm still testing, but I could use some advice if anybody's had a similar issue. Perhaps it is the new GeForce driver? Any and all comments are welcome.

Messages In This Thread
Having problems with my GPU - by ilmon3y - 10-30-2013, 05:39 PM
RE: Having problems with my GPU - by Tandy - 10-30-2013, 06:35 PM
RE: Having problems with my GPU - by ilmon3y - 10-30-2013, 07:54 PM
RE: Having problems with my GPU - by ilmon3y - 10-30-2013, 08:31 PM

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