I'm going to the UK!
How to survive a holiday/trip to the UK:

1: If you see a chav, avoid him/her.
Chavs are the one of many scum in the UK who talk like absolute idiots and idolise themselves. They have no emotions and beat up their partners.

They have the following features:
Shit Tattoo's - Baggy Eyes - Short/Shaved Haircuts - Gold Raised Jewelry - Stupid Voice - Swear Too Much - Wear Full Tracksuits - Have Basketball Hoop Ear-rings *FEMALES*

2: Don't ask for directions, you will be lead into an alley and raped.

3: Wear a bullet proof vest and hide your valuables/money in your socks. If you get mugged, they won't take the shit you need most.

4: Don't play spot the white guy. Especially in london. Just don't even ask where all the white people are at.

5: Don't dye your hair a funny colour, the asians will have your life with their cameras.


(10-14-2013, 09:27 PM)VerteX Wrote: How to survive a holiday/trip to the UK:

1: If you see a chav, avoid him/her.
Chavs are the one of many scum in the UK who talk like absolute idiots and idolise themselves. They have no emotions and beat up their partners.

They have the following features:
Shit Tattoo's - Baggy Eyes - Short/Shaved Haircuts - Gold Raised Jewelry - Stupid Voice - Swear Too Much - Wear Full Tracksuits - Have Basketball Hoop Ear-rings *FEMALES*

Voice of a chav: Ere' Mert

2: Don't ask for directions, you will be lead into an alley and raped.

3: Wear a bullet proof vest and hide your valuables/money in your socks. If you get mugged, they won't take the shit you need most.

4: Don't play spot the white guy. Especially in london. Just don't even ask where all the white people are at.

5: Don't dye your hair a funny colour, the asians will have your life with their cameras.


Messages In This Thread
I'm going to the UK! - by Victorinox - 10-13-2013, 11:18 AM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Al sevenfold - 10-13-2013, 11:42 AM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Ms. Mudpie - 10-13-2013, 12:12 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Narc - 10-13-2013, 12:25 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Al sevenfold - 10-14-2013, 04:16 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Glade - 10-13-2013, 12:28 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Adman - 10-13-2013, 12:53 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Nuka - 10-13-2013, 02:00 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Victorinox - 10-13-2013, 03:06 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by ArcHammer - 10-14-2013, 02:17 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by cnr - 10-14-2013, 02:20 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Tandy - 10-14-2013, 04:31 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by VerteX - 10-14-2013, 09:27 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by SoulRipper - 10-14-2013, 09:48 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Pawsative - 10-14-2013, 11:26 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Victorinox - 10-18-2013, 08:59 PM
RE: I'm going to the UK! - by Wood - 10-18-2013, 09:08 PM

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