Ban Request on two random raiders, RDM'ers, FearRP breakers, and liars.
Correction: Yes i was rebel, I got confused as i became BMD second time round. And No, We were both rebels at one point and both spawned pots but afterwards he decided to become a BMD as a space became available. His pots did not however disappear.

In regards to your two pictures you posted: You should show the screenshots of the abuse you were also typing to me.

With regards to the one in the Nexus, as I mentioned in-game: My brightness on my game is down as it hurts my eyes having it brighter than recommended. You were in the DARKEST part of the nexus garage (As you can see by the picture, your sleeve blends in with the floor and your character is a corleone which is ALL BLACK) - You were standing there and as i pulled up to then reverse, I hit you with the car. I did not know I had hit you until Stamper told me over Steam.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request on two random raiders, RDM'ers, FearRP breakers, and liars. - by VerteX - 09-30-2013, 11:09 PM

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