[EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege
Name: Jarz
Hours: 650
RP points: 12
Define /me: /me can be used to describe a movement/action your character may do during an RP, big or small. "/me moves his hand to the grip of his pistol in his holster." could be used when you get out of your police car to confront a traffic violator on a traffic stop.
Define /it: It is a more large-scale version. It can describe the atmosphere of what is going on.
Can you roleplay seriously, slow paced and realisticly?: Yes I can.
Re-type the event date: Sat, 9/7/2013 / 7/9/2013 at 6:00 GMT.
Do you agree to the rules of the event?: Yes.

Character name: Arthur Gordon-Levitt "Jarz"
Age: 29
Occupation: President of the PASSIVE group
Brief story: Born and raised in the west-coast United States, and ever since I was 4, I have been fascinated of keeping people safe. When I was 21, I rushed straight for the Police Academy, and made it to work for my local town. I got promoted 4 years later to a corporal, however 2 years later I had quit the job due to a controversial investigation going on, that may have wrecked my retirement. I tried to go to another department but had given up. I am still unemployed.
Any attributes that are realistic? Detective Skills, Leadership, Bravery, Strength, However I do have Hypothermia.
Any attributes, perks you'd like your character to be approved to do/have? (e.g. doctor, hunter) Fisher, Diver, Swimmer, Hunter.
Do you wish to purchase a property? If so, which one? I have my own cabin dupe I would like to use. I can display a picture to you in steam.
If it gets denied, I would like Riverside Cottage 3

Messages In This Thread
RE: [EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege - by yarrrs - 09-06-2013, 11:13 PM

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