[EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege
Name: [FL:RP]AvengedFilmsHD
Hours: 324
RP points: 4
Define /me: /me is used to show actions that are scripted, or show emotion. It enhances all RPs.
Define /it: Usually used to tell of an event that doesn't directly involve your character. Such as, "the phone rang".
Can you roleplay seriously, slow paced and realisticly?: Yes, very much so.
Re-type the event date: Saturday, September the 7th.
Do you agree to the rules of the event?: Yes

Character name: Alex 'Zero' Tyler
Age: 26
Occupation: Ghost Operatives Veteran, Organization Coordinator
Brief story: Very smart man, finished high school at nearly the top with grades. His best friend in high school, Devys, created a secret organization for government, called the Ghost Operatives. He proved his worth, and was given a spot as the Organization Coordinator, and Ranking/Recruitment Officer. The organization is spy like, gathering intel, and using stealth. He had it going pretty good, but decided to retire early on, because it was hard keeping his entire life secret. After that, he was given a large amount of money to start a life, where he moved to EvoCity to live.
Any attributes that are realistic? Disciplined, smart, brave, and creative.
Any attributes, perks you'd like your character to be approved to do/have? (e.g. doctor, hunter) Hunter, because of how much time he put into hunting with his dad.
Do you wish to purchase a property? If so, which one? No, I am basing with Kulthro.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [EVENT] Chemical disaster and city siege - by Avenged - 08-31-2013, 10:40 PM

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