Ban Request!
Name of player: ( [FL:RP] Zordie )

SteamID: ( STEAM_0:0:5913659 )

Time in GMT: ( 8:00 A:M Eastern United States )

Server: ( City RP: Evocityv33x )

Summary: ( I and a few of my fellow officers caught him jay walking( A permanent law ) I then talked to him and hand cuffed him and then he disconnected and then reconnected. He did it again and did it a total of 3 times in a row. Then he became a SRU and started yelling at me and saying I was mentally challenged and then killed me as a officer. He kept trying to make fun of me cause I have only 7 hours total played and he began to harass me and a few of the other officers. He then started a demotion for me for saying that jay walking was not a law and that I random tazed him. )


Messages In This Thread
Ban Request! - by FloppySyrup - 08-20-2013, 12:09 PM
RE: Ban Request! - by aviator - 08-20-2013, 05:34 PM

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