[FL] Fultzy
I'm beginning to find Fultzy's attitude very questionable as an admin.

To summarize my story, I became the first cop after the server suffered a crash. I was doing Traffic Warden RP, so I went down to the garage to build an impounding lot. After I placed the keypad for the fences, the head of the SRU told me to straight up to delete what I had built, since he wanted to build a separate HQ for the SRU. Since I was the one to build in the garage first, and since the SRU Head isn't my superior, I told him that I wouldn't remove it. So he radios in, saying I wasn't listening to a higher government official, and the President demoted me immediately.

I called an admin, waited about 10 minutes for a response, and I began to wonder if all the admins were busy. According to the chat, one of the admins teleported to the SRU Head, so I knew that at least someone was being responsive. So I called again, and Fultzy made the public conclusion (in OOC) that I "lost my job due to a server crash". I felt slightly offended over how he just jumped to a false conclusion, so I told him he was wrong, but he made a statement to end the discussion.

I let it go, and got my job back when a slot was free. At one point, I spotted a cop car parked in the middle of the road, and I checked to see if the owner was responding to an emergency call. There was no sign of the officer, so I impounded it. Later, the police sergeant appeared, claiming ownership of the car, and demanded that I give it back to him without paying the fine. I made various statements in LOOC that I was:

1. A Traffic Warden, I do not work with the police force, therefore the sergeant is not my superior.

2. I was enforcing a perma law, which applies to everyone, including government officials.

The same thing essentially happened, I got demoted for "disobeying orders", when the sergeant was ignoring the fact that he violated a perma law, so I used the admin call again. With each passing minute, I could tell that Fultzy in particular was not occupied with anything else, so he should be doing his duty as an admin to give a response/ask what happened. "I already gave a response Dave", appeared in the OOC chat by Fultzy. I replied saying that he clearly wasn't bothering to respond, and I got kicked. "I gave you an answer and you show attitude and disrespect, come back with a better attitude."

I'd imagine you're reading this Fultzy, so I'll give you this:

I understand that, as an admin, you're not always available and that you're prone to make a mistake the same as every other admin. But I -do not- appreciate it when you don't give an ounce of effort to ask about the situation, I do not appreciate it when you act completely devoid of wit to jump to a conclusion that was literally false, and I do not appreciate how your action of kicking me was without any sort of merit or legitimacy.

I trust that, at least, you have the potential of reasoning yourself should this be an issue for the other admins. While the others feel like they have to cobble valid evidence together to solve a case, you just seem to look for an excuse to hand out a punishment without any justification to your reasons.

I would bring your methods up for discussion.

Messages In This Thread
[FL] Fultzy - by ilmon3y - 08-11-2013, 07:56 PM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Drawinqq - 08-11-2013, 08:36 PM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by ilmon3y - 08-11-2013, 09:00 PM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Drawinqq - 08-11-2013, 10:08 PM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by ilmon3y - 08-11-2013, 10:32 PM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Drawinqq - 08-12-2013, 12:35 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by ilmon3y - 08-12-2013, 12:51 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Fultz - 08-12-2013, 03:54 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by ilmon3y - 08-12-2013, 06:01 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by LeifGunnar - 08-12-2013, 10:22 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Killjoy - 08-12-2013, 10:26 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Drawinqq - 08-13-2013, 12:14 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Demoman - 08-15-2013, 10:13 PM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Cat - 08-16-2013, 01:59 AM
RE: [FL] Fultzy - by Killjoy - 08-16-2013, 10:16 PM

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