Unban Request - Toneage ID: 35937
Your name: [UN] Toneage

Your ban ID: 35937

Banned by: Pallivion
Reason: Killing someone without a sufficient reason.

Involved: crazymiguel (One I killed) SourLemons(Witness) some other random cop too
Why we should unban you: I feel it was an unjust ban when I gave the full information on the kill in a just way from an RP situation we had.

I don't believe the admin understood the situation I had at hand at first and feels it was random which it was not, I stated all the information on why he got killed during the huge RP situation we had at hands and instead of a slay "sufficient enough" felt a 4 days ban or so is fair which is clearly not for one "RDM" as he states yet it was not ever random but in the RP situation.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - Toneage ID: 35937 - by Toneage - 08-10-2013, 03:38 AM

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