[CLOSED] [Pas] [Unofficial] PASSIVE - Professional Roleplay
Why do you want to join PASSIVE? - I too have been trying to produce RPs all the time, however I have not had the manpower to do so. I think in this group I will be able to share my ideas for RPs and we can all work together to produce a serious RP.

How many major RP's have you been involved in in the past? (Name 1+) - The Competitive Arena by Narcotic, a fight against aliens by Narcotic and many passive RPs with DigDug and co.

Whats your hours in-game? - ~235

What is your SteamID? - STEAM_0:0:34714717

Do you know anyone in the group? How do you know them? - A few of the members I have RPed with some time.

What is your Age? - 16

FOR EVERYONE 12 OR BELOW! - If you are 12 or below, how can we know you are mature? -

How many RP Points do you have? Don't worry, these are not required. - 4

What can we expect from you, here from Passive? - Many many ideas for interesting RPs and a hard-working, dedicated guy who likes to have fun

Tell us about yourself? INGAME - John Fernandez was born one stormy night when the mafia came to rule Evocity. There was blood everywhere - a war was being fought. His father died that night. Fortunately, other cities helped and rid the Mafia. However, Evocity was not what it used to be. There was crime everywhere, and no one stepped up to be president after that deathly night. John grew up to be a bright kid, studying government and history. He became interested in that war and he wanted to make sure nothing like that would ever happen again. He became a police officer at the age of 24 and was awarded many medals for bravery, courage and justice. He moved up the ranks until he finally joined the Special Response Unit. Eventually, he built up the courage to run for presidency. Many said that the war would happen again and he would be assassinated once again - however more people voted that Evocity could become a better place. John Fernandez won in the vote and was put into power of Evocity. He returned it into a golden-age, managing each problem efficiently and stopping more problems to come. He retired after he served all of his terms as President - he went down as a hero. John Fernandez is a kind, hard-working man who still continues to study Evocity and make it a better place.

Tell us about yourself? REAL LIFE - I'm a good-hearted Serious Roleplayer from Australia. I put in a lot of my time into Fearless and I enjoy gaming. I like to talk, I like to set up Roleplays.

[Image: LkB62ld.png]


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RE: [Pas] [Unofficial] PASSIVE - Professional Roleplay - by ArcHammer - 07-31-2013, 05:15 AM

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