The Tides Hotel - KFC incident(love story)
This story contains same-sex marriage and may contain spelling mistakes(checked twice)

On the 24 to July,2013 Richard decided to open a hotel. his first customer's name was James. he game James the luxury room and served the best he could! then came the 2nd customer. he wanted a room but he had no money! so James offered his room for both of them. Richard agreed. He went making the new key and when he came back he heard...noises...he came back to the lobby and saw the 2nd customer running and screaming like crazy! he went to check and he saw James. on the bed laying down...The 2nd customer came back and pushed Richard out of the room, those same noises came. Richard headed back to the lobby and served food for other customer. the next thing he knew the two first customer were marring(yes they were both males)! they arranged the marriage at the KFC and all the citizens came including the president! then the marriage started and turned to a big gunfight soon! both two newly married couple died. :,(
In their love of guns, a firing range was soon built in the tides hotel for their memory.
R.I.P touching story is it? after the incident the police found litter allover the luxury room they took.

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The Tides Hotel - KFC incident(love story) - by Zipbox - 07-24-2013, 10:07 AM

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