this may be the last ban i ever post...
a recap on all the time i played on the server it was really fun but now im just sad to see me get banned from this server. i will miss it. sa whatever you want i may he a douche and may be a minge but i am always a nice person and idc what you say whether it is negative becuase most likely you will deny it becuase a lot of things. i hate myself now and say whatever you want becuase i am very sad now.

i will miss it okay. as i said there may not be much of a chance of being unbanned or removal of warnings. Sad

i realllllly like playing on that server

ill just go then i guess. no one even seems to like me and everyone hates me so whats the point.
i am a minge okay? are you happy? ive done some bad but i just try to have fun and people keep putting me down
just deny it already if thats how it is

to anyone out there i just want to say dont end up like me becuase right now im in tears hoping i can still play on this server. please stick to the rules and dont disobey and DO NOT get angry what so ever
i have emotional problems and ive had it since birth and i have mood swings so please try to control it becuase people dont know who you are and they dont care about you unless you are close friends. goodbye :...(

I ran out of ink again...

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RE: this may be the last ban i ever post... - by Inkkii - 07-14-2013, 01:34 PM

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