this may be the last ban i ever post...
Your name: Agumon

Your ban ID: 34524

Banned by: Doomdude

Reason: Insulting a player over OOC, a LOT of bans, time to go ( the ban is perma )

Involved: dirtjumper or something like that

Why we should unban you: there is probly no use doing this becuase you all pretty much hate me but here it goes.

dirtjumper was being a minge by propflipping my car and he was making me mad so he insulted me on OOC and then i insulted him becuase of anger. thats very false considering he didnt get banned. it seems to me like doomdude is on his side but whatever. what im trying to say is could i get some warnings/bans removed and get this ban removed so i have more chances. Sad
I ran out of ink again...

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this may be the last ban i ever post... - by Inkkii - 07-14-2013, 01:31 PM

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