[Selling] Mustang BID (How bad do you want the mustang!?)
Hello Im seeing how much I could get for my mustang 145k Is what I would like I KNOW Its worth 110k, But Im doing a TAKE It or leave it! See what the highest people offer! Bid starts at 100k! GOOO!

Have FUN! Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile How much do you really want a mustang!?

This is to see HOW BADD You want the mustang I rather buy my mustng for 10k or 15k lower than market!

!!!WARNING!!! Don't comment if you DONT Have the money !!!WARNING!!


I Will get an admin to delete the post and That is TROLLING To me! And Spaming!

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[Selling] Mustang BID (How bad do you want the mustang!?) - by Shrike - 07-12-2013, 12:32 AM

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