[Work in Progress] Zombie RP!
Okay, so we played it a little but when new people came on and people weren't listening it got difficult.

These are the rules:

One zombie spawns, the zombie has a knife. You only know it's a zombie if they have a knife out in public. If they hit you twice, you turn. No cars and you can only shoot zombies if you're behind something protective e.g. a barricade.

If a zombie comes up to you; Run! Do not shoot. Police can't taze and there isn't a government. Supplies are scarce and little food so don't be eating loads of goldfish and firing guns whenever you feel like it. If you're a gun deal or chef. Sell knifes to everyone and sell ammo at a really high prices as well as food. Trading is also allowed. Zombies can have lockpicks to open doors to houses after a few attempts.

What do you guys think? It needs more work and better organisation but it might be a fun event to do. Feel free to comment with more things to add and new ideas! We could have stages of the virus. If it was on for a couple of hours a few Doctors locked away could find a cure.

Messages In This Thread
[Work in Progress] Zombie RP! - by Ned Flanders - 06-18-2013, 09:02 PM
RE: [Work in Progress] Zombie RP! - by Jigsaw - 06-18-2013, 09:04 PM
RE: [Work in Progress] Zombie RP! - by DoomDude1 - 06-18-2013, 09:05 PM

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